Hatsan Invader

I'm liking the look and concept of the new Hatsan Invader - semi auto...I'd get it in .25 

For a semi-auto it seems to pack a good punch...Thou right now, they are scarce to find, I wonder if its because they're just new...If anyone has one...I'd like to hear a reveiw on it...Pros & Cons

I see it comes with open sights, but then it's a sight bar mounted on top of a picatinny rail. So I'm sure

It has to be acceptable for a scope

Hmm. Curious as to why you guys would presume that...I was reading where it's not easy to make a good PCP repeater / semi-auto rifle. Thats why the majority of manufacturers dont try...

But I would guess a reputable company like Hatsan, would'nt even put one out, unless the were confident, it was'nt gonna be a mechanical headache and be jam prone. To where they would endure alot of complaints and returned guns...To knock there profits down...

Why did you hear anything bad about them ?
The name sounds like a Turkish sex toy.



I haven't had a chance to put it through a chronograph yet unfortunately. I've had amazing accuracy with H&N Baracuda 30.86. I have been mostly shooting Hatsan vortex strike 24.70 as I picked up a few thousand of them dirt cheap. The vortex strikes will still do 1/4-1/2" groups at 15-20 yards depending on conditions. No problem hitting a soda can at 80 yards everytime. Quality control seems a little less on the vortex strikes though as theres been the occasional flyer. 
Anyone have one in .22 that can offer a review. I am very interested in buying one. The fact that it is heavy doesn't bother me.

I just ordered mine yesterday from Midway since they were on clearance(!). I will put it through its paces and post my results in a couple of weeks. I know that doesn't help you now but hopefully they will still be on sale by the time I'm done.

I have had a .22 invader for a month now. I suggest you invest in a stockpile of pellets and a compressor or bottle... I've got about 2500 pellets through it now. A mix of JSB weights and CPHP. So far it's liked everything I've fed it. Aside from a heavy trigger, it's a ton of fun to shoot and the trigger will get better over time. Not lighter, just more predictable. I never even cleaned the barrel, and haven't cleaned it yet. Good for 1" out to 50yds, I don't have glass on it for longer distances. I'm not sure if it's regulated, but it sure does act like it is. From 200br to 100br I get 6 mags at 900-920fps with CPHP. Below 100br POI drops dramatically and it will attempt to auto-fire with each trigger pull. Lots of fun, will eat your pellet stash

I just received a refurbed Invader 22 last week after ordering it over a month ago. Looks great but haven't been able to run it through the paces yet. Came with a 3 mags and a quality check sheet signed by Larry saying they shot 10 shots 942.fps avg but didn't specify pellet weight...lol. Hoping to get it out soon. Need a tank or compressor first. Any pointers on the Invader before I shoot it (besides clean the barrel)? Thanks.
Bárkinek van olyan .22-ben, aki véleményt tud adni. Nagyon érdekelne a vásárlás. Az a tény, hogy nehéz, nem zavar.
Nagyon szeretem az Invadert (cal 22), masszív, jó tapadás, alkalmanként - 200 bar-ig töltöm - 2x6 tárat lövök, néha nem tölti meg a lövedéket - ha csökken a légnyomás - de nem zavar én ilyenkor könnyedén meghúzom a rakodókart. Igaz, hogy a maximális kalapácserőt használom, de csak azért, mert csináltam hozzá hangtompítót (koklásüvegből!!) és többször is megakadályozta a terhelést kisebb légmennyiségnél! De max nyomáson félautomata szinte nulláig működik. Pontossága jó, én az olcsó Gamo Hunter 5.5-ös golyót használom, ha jól célzok, akkor megy amerre kell :). A sütés nagyon nehéz, de meg lehet szokni, bár a lehúzásnál nagyon vigyázni kell!! Könnyen felszerelhető, könnyen tölthető, üvegem van. Biztos van jobb félautomata is, de nem ezen az áron!!!
Anyone have one in .22 that can offer a review. I am very interested in buying one. The fact that it is heavy doesn't bother me.