Hatsan Jer I - Cylinder fill problems.

I recently purchased two Hatsan Jet I PCP pistols, and both had unusual problems out of the box. First one had a cracked cylinder receiver internally in the body of the gun, it simply gushed air when trying to fill it. That one went back, and reordered. The second one is great except it won't take a full load of air. Filling from a tank or a regular compressor, after filling to the full level 250 Bar, releasing the air at the bleed valve also releases the entire cylinder of air. I tried releasing to below 100 Bar and stop[ping the bleed off there, popping the quick connect at that pressure and it then holds that amount, but this is the normal refill level. Operating the gun with a tank guarantees unlimited shots, but this is not normal.

I purchased the Jet PCP Pistol for my wife, smaller and lighter than my Hatsan 25 Cal Bullpup or Blitz, which are heavier and longer than she can handle, and I have no issues at all with these or othere Hatsan products that I've purchased or used in the past. Does anyone else have an issue with these or something similar thast is a fix?
If you can still return it for a refund, my recommendation is to do that and replace it with a Notos.

If you can't return it and you don't want to send it back to Hatsan, you might want to try replacing the O-Ring in one way valve on the fill quick connector. You could also place a parts request on their website to see if they will send you a new O-ring or maybe a complete quick connector assembly at no charge. I am assuming that part 2349 in the parts diagram is the one way valve O-Ring seal but they don't list the part names on the PDF.

Sometimes a small drop of airgun / O-ring compatible silicone oil dropped into the opening on the fill connector and letting it settle down in there with the opening pointing up for a while before testing it, will make it seal.


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I had two Jets, a 1 and a 2, and they both held air. However, they did not shoot as accurately as I had hoped for. I would sometimes get very tiny 5 shot groups but then they would open up and move around. I think the inconsistency in groups was caused by the plastic shroud on the barrel. Mine shot a lot better without the shroud or with a shim between the shroud and the air cylinder, but still they never got even close to the groups I could shoot with my Notos or my $118 Beeman 2027.
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