Sharing the custom rail I made for my Bullboss from a blank. 2nd one I did, first was too low. Will tap in another screw later so the rail has two points of contact to the action block. A step-bit was used for the counter-sinks. M4 screws, 20mm long. Normally I use black but all I had was stainless.
Finished with the rail getting that 4th screw in. First removed all the bits down to the action block itself to fit in my drill press vise. Then depth marked the bit so not to go too deep risking damage. It is off-center due to the magazine lock. I made the hole the size I needed for the tap/threads first. Took the rail off, placed it on the press again and made the hole big enough for the screw, then used a step bit as before. After that I tapped in the new hole on the action block with threads for the M4 screw same as the others.
Put it all back together, checked fit and did some test fires over the chrony. 30gr ammo it is 48.8 ft•lbs so my tune held, not that the rail installation would alter it. The arm is loose when closed so fixing that with a magnet.
So now the rail is affixed by 2 screws to cancel the side torque when cocking which won't work the entire unit loose or worse, change the scope's orientation. Thus the entire project, that and now my rail is higher than the factory rail, better looking with actual spec 1913 slots.