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Deal starts 06/28 4pm CST
Deal ens 07/01 11:59pm CST

hehe well toy / firearm, you should probably not be a smart ass in public, even here in Denmark stupid kids of stupid parents have met the police,,,, emmmm cant remember what they are called here,,,, not SWAT of course.

Funny thing i dont even think airsoft ASO weapons here need to have a orange tip,,,,,, which just amaze me, but then again i get that a lot from my rulers.

I will admit WHY ? put that magazine on there in the first place, seem stupid and irresponsible if you ask me, net least factoring in that here it is probably all visual.
Was it something like the DRS and it at least was a plenum i could understand it, but on a GD break barrel that's just asking for problems.

PS: back in 2012 when the Danish airgun scene was ruined, it was due to clickbait newspaper articles, and then a few kids in the capitol area using something like this ( cheap .177 break barrel ) on people in the streets.
And so my hobby was ruined for pretty much nothing.

I loathe the disrespect and distrust my rulers show me,,,,, sure if i am a animal,,,, throw me in a cage and then throw away the key.
But until then respect me, or you will get nothing in return but contempt.
hehe well toy / firearm, you should probably not be a smart ass in public, even here in Denmark stupid kids of stupid parents have met the police,,,, emmmm cant remember what they are called here,,,, not SWAT of course.

Funny thing i dont even think airsoft ASO weapons here need to have a orange tip,,,,,, which just amaze me, but then again i get that a lot from my rulers.

I will admit WHY ? put that magazine on there in the first place, seem stupid and irresponsible if you ask me, net least factoring in that here it is probably all visual.
Was it something like the DRS and it at least was a plenum i could understand it, but on a GD break barrel that's just asking for problems.

PS: back in 2012 when the Danish airgun scene was ruined, it was due to clickbait newspaper articles, and then a few kids in the capitol area using something like this ( cheap .177 break barrel ) on people in the streets.
And so my hobby was ruined for pretty much nothing.

I loathe the disrespect and distrust my rulers show me,,,,, sure if i am a animal,,,, throw me in a cage and then throw away the key.
But until then respect me, or you will get nothing in return but contempt.
same thing happened to brocock, back I forgot when..probably 30 years ago..I had a brocock 522 and it was a great gun after I rebuilt the tandem air cartridge with industrial o rings.. I wish I could have and would have stayed with airguns.. but life got in the way and I had to pay bills..
I'd sure like to have that old brocock 522 and then the matching single six and then the golden boy.. mine was the original design and the side of the cylinder was turned out, so you could see the cartridges but they were held at the back 1/3 and front..it also prevents turning into a firearm..a later model they had solid cylinder and some bad guys drilled out the barrel and must have changed the firing pin since it was made flat to push the valve on the cartridge.. anyway crime was done and they were seized and outlawed in the country of manufacture so brocock went out of business until they came back in a standard PCP gun..
it's just really sad that bad people can ruin nice things for us all..
hopefully this post is ok.. I'm definitely not in favor of doing anything wrong.