Have a Air Gun Hollow Point SLUG .. need it to MUSHROOM better ?

This R&D done @ 2 years ago to the month & originally shared on the GTA forum.
Pending caliber of slug, depth & diameter of HP cavity a different size Phillips or Pozi-drive tip will give the best results.
* The tips used in doing this were thinned slightly to give cleaner scoring lines, tho not required pending tip used.
If wanting the back story .. here: HP slug modification

To show you what is the results of some testing ... here a few pictures of .177 NSA 12.5g as well .22 NSA 20.2 & 24.8g

Thought the AGN membership may find this of interest if a pester and using less costly NSA etc slugs.

Scott S



Think it will work on a 350 grain nsa slug ?
I did this type of an experiment a few years ago with NSA 142 grain slugs, using a triangle wedge shaped drill rod. It did work as expected and the shallow hollow point in them did open up more n ballistics gel.

One thing to be careful of is expanding the slug's shaft diameter, especially with the small diameter .217 slugs when driving in that screwdriver bit. I expand and then resize NSA .457 slugs by expanding the bottom of the slug's hollow point and dimple base using a flat center punch and tapping it in with a hammer. The slug on the right shows the expansion and resizing the best, sized to about .462


I want to try a few of those but am scared of messing up the skirt; any tips?
Try setting up the work bench with a softer material like leather or wet newspaper to keep the base of the slug from being deformed when tapping on the screwdriver. It also keeps it from wandering when being hit. Keep the slug and screwdriver strait and square to avoid side deformation. Also, several light hammer taps work better, rather than a few good heavy blows. You'll get an idea of how hard to tap and how many times to hit it after a few slugs.
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Motorhead are you still using jeweler Philips or is that a no. 1 Philips? The imprint looks larger to me than your last examples. I was squirrel hunting the other day with unaltered NSA slug and I don't think they opened much if at all. I decided then I was going to try your method. This last batch almost looks like Winchesters old Black Talons. :)
That works but is more work ! The trocar tip is almost razor sharp and needs just one pass (two in case you want to make 6 segments) - this makes it faster and less likely to be buggered by my rustic touch. I only use it for 22 RF anymore. The blade thing has been done for soft point centerfires too - needs deeper scoring though.
That sounds like a really good precise way of cutting them, I will look for them at my sporting goods shop next time i go, thanks!