Have any of you killed a coyote with a Daystate Redwolf .22 Hi Power?

Do you have a video link by chance?
@Mr.Suave Look up coyote hunts by member @Max115. I think he has 8 or 9 of them if he hasn't removed any of the videos.

Edit: When you use the AGN search function, results will come up like those listed in this link https://www.airgunnation.com/search/2093980/?page=2&q=Coyote&c[title_only]=1&c[users]=Max115&o=date

I used the keyword "Coyote" in the search box, clicked the "titles only" box and By: "Max115" and clicked the "search" box at the top right hand corner.
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@Mr.Suave If you are interested, please check out my Coyote Hunts with PCP in my playlist.

Although I have tagged a few coyotes(head shots only) with my FX Impact MK2 shooting 25gr slugs, I would suggest to use higher calibre guns .25 or .30 calibre. I only have .22 calibre so I had to be very precise with my shot placement and I would refuse the shot if it was not available. The last thing you want to do is to injure the animal.

Anyway, have a watch at the videos and see if they would help you setup for your hunt. Good luck.
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I took a nuisance coyote in my suburban neighborhood with my modified .22 Flashpup. Headshot with about 45 FPE.
Just to put this in perspective though. I’ve shot a coyote here in Wisconsin with a .35 cal Hades at about 900fps smack between the eyes ant 25 yards and he ran off. I looked for quite a while the next day with no luck finding a body. These animals are tough. I have had much better luck with slugs. Even those you have to really be shooting heavy for caliber slugs to get as much penetration as possible. I’ve shared video here where I shot a coyote three times with a .35 cal 68 grain fx hybrid and the damn thing got up and ran off half hour later. Now I’ve certainly killed my share but I had to go with 93 grain nsa slugs.

Now, I see people here and on YouTube killing them with a lot less power than what I’m describing but you gotta get perfect shot placement and you will lose some as head shots are hard to come by with coyotes. They move their heads allot.

So in conclusion I don’t know how far or what projectile you are using but just be prepared for the coyotes to be a lot tougher than what you thought. They can take some real punishment. If you’re doing less than 60fpe I would not consider it personally. Even with a perfect head shot, given my experience. They have a ramp shaped head that likes to deflect bullets. Go for the ear! Good luck! :) post results!
Just to put this in perspective though. I’ve shot a coyote here in Wisconsin with a .35 cal Hades at about 900fps smack between the eyes ant 25 yards and he ran off. I looked for quite a while the next day with no luck finding a body. These animals are tough. I have had much better luck with slugs. Even those you have to really be shooting heavy for caliber slugs to get as much penetration as possible. I’ve shared video here where I shot a coyote three times with a .35 cal 68 grain fx hybrid and the damn thing got up and ran off half hour later. Now I’ve certainly killed my share but I had to go with 93 grain nsa slugs.

Now, I see people here and on YouTube killing them with a lot less power than what I’m describing but you gotta get perfect shot placement and you will lose some as head shots are hard to come by with coyotes. They move their heads allot.

So in conclusion I don’t know how far or what projectile you are using but just be prepared for the coyotes to be a lot tougher than what you thought. They can take some real punishment. If you’re doing less than 60fpe I would not consider it personally. Even with a perfect head shot, given my experience. They have a ramp shaped head that likes to deflect bullets. Go for the ear! Good luck! :) post results!
If you shoot them looking at you, then you have to be lucky.

With a shot among eye and ear, it will fall down right there.
2 with 22 MRD's @ 975 muzzle velocity between eye and ear and dropped in their tracks with barely a twitch. First was at 30 yds, second at 100. Note that both were complete pass throughs on the skull. I was at my bench so quite stable and both paused for that one second to look back at me. I wouldn't take a body shot unless it was REALLY imperative that it be dispatched at any cost. A 30 cal would definitely be better for body shots as these don't expand all that much so you're basically ice picking them...
I have two neighbors with chickens that lost some to yotes and hawks but generally leave stuff alone except gophers and rock squirrels...
Just got a Redwolf .22 Hi power and was thinking of doing some coyote hunting. I am definitely going to take a headshot, but I was wondering if anyone has taken a body shot with a Redwolf or something similar?
There was a guy on here that took one with a body shot from a Walmart Ruger break barrel gun with cheap pellets. If I recall, he only went about 100 yds and tipped over.