Have you ever eaten pigeons?

I understand. Although I have never eaten pigeons, they may actually be better than doves and more like Quail, which I like quite a bit.

There may be a good reason why people don't eat them or it may simply be something cultural, etc. I really don't know.

If you try one, let us know what you think! (y)
Sounds good. It probably sounds like a weird question but it’s an interesting thought
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Thanks for the replies. It sounds all over the board though so I might ask my state DNR. I would hunt doves, but technically that’s illegal bc you have to exclusively use shotguns. Kind of stupid but a lot of regulations are. Pigeons aren’t considered migratory birds so they have different regulations. I think for them they are considered small game and air rifles are obviously legal for that if properly powered. Here’s an interesting article from pheasants forever that I found on the subject.
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When dove hunting kill every pigeon I can. No limit fun target. Meat is tough on the older birds. Flavor is not the best strong and kinda off. Usually wind up feeding the pigeons to the dogs. They love em most people I know don't. You can breast them out grind and mix with other meats not bad for that. But just straight pigeon most folks won't eat much of it.
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I've eaten pigeons that were shot on a dairy or cattle farm, as they are grain fed and they are very good. I would not eat a pigeon that came from a city environment. No telling what they've been eating. Eurasian doves are also very good. I breast both out and my preferred method of cooking is to stir fry them, with shataki mushrooms, snow peas, ground ginger root and onions. Serve over steamed rice.
I've eaten many pigeons and they taste just like a dove to me. The secret is to not over cook them. The more you cook them the more they taste like liver. This is how I like to cook them. 20210326_103117.jpg
Well, the difference between what people call "pigeon" and what they call "dove" is artificial, as they are the same animal.
For some — in the English speaking world — doves are smaller and have white feathers, symbol of purity and the Holy Spirit — and pigeons are larger, dark feathered, dirty, and feral.
Other languages don't make this artificial distinction, i.e., German and Spanish. 😉

Well, it is what you make it.... 😄

I eat them "both". Just not the ones that live off the city's trash piles. Those are nasty, ripe with desease. They are still good for killing, though...! 🤣

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I was curious if anybody has eaten a pigeon. I enjoy dove and was curious if pigeons are equally palatable.
We used to have to eat them all the time when I was a kid in the 70s...shoot em under the bridges on I-35...cat fish and pigeon..poor folk food and better than anything in a fast food joint by many miles. It's just a bigger dove and tastes similar.
Though pigeons are in the same family as doves they are quite different. Recommend pounding breast flat and marinating, afterwards cook as dove. If going in a stew or gumbo don't flatten maybe cube. The breast are richer aka redder, and tougher than dove. Rock Dove or squabb, is totally edible. Marinade ideas spicy Italian or buttermilk, as a finer point brining for a day or two b4 marinating will take out gameiness. BACON wrapping is also a plus
Though pigeons are in the same family as doves they are quite different. Recommend pounding breast flat and marinating, afterwards cook as dove. If going in a stew or gumbo don't flatten maybe cube. The breast are richer aka redder, and tougher than dove. Rock Dove or squabb, is totally edible. Marinade ideas spicy Italian or buttermilk, as a finer point brining for a day or two b4 marinating will take out gameiness. BACON wrapping is also a plus
While I have not eaten pigeon, I suppose I certainly would if they came off of my farm here... see, they eat grain and probably only grain the greedy bstards, so I shoot them and leave them for the cats.

Now, I certainly wouldn't clap one in say downtown Seattle and expect it to be good 🤣

I can honestly say though. Of the many many many many many rock pigeon I've shot, I've not eaten a one... now I have to eat one tomorrow out of curiosity. Thanks a lot! 🤣
I've eaten many pigeons and they taste just like a dove to me. The secret is to not over cook them. The more you cook them the more they taste like liver. This is how I like to cook them.View attachment 279519
So, what's the breakdown? I'm going to try one tomorrow, what do I need from the store that isn't bacon? I keep that on DECK ALWAYS!
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Jalapeño peppers and cream cheese. Use really thin bacon. You want the bacon to get done but you don't want the dove or pigeon to be over cooked. Cut a pepper in half and get the seeds out. Put the beast brest on the pepper, put a pad of cream cheese on that and wrap with bacon. Put that on the grill and brown. Good hot or cold.
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Jalapeño peppers and cream cheese. Use really thin bacon. You want the bacon to get done but you don't want the dove or pigeon to be over cooked. Cut a pepper in half and get the seeds out. Put the beast brest on the pepper, put a pad of cream cheese on that and wrap with bacon. Put that on the grill and brown. Good hot or cold.

Sounds a lot like "plank fish". (chuckle)

Take a rough fish, clean it, place it on a cedar plank. Cook until done.

Throw away the rough fish and eat the plank! (silly grin)

Just kidding... it's an old joke. ;)
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I ate it infrequently 35 years ago. Feral pigeon or European rock dove is edible and about as tasty as morning dove and better tasting than Mexican dove in my opinion. Brine it first to remove most of the gaminess. I pressure cook the breasts in cream of celery soup and serve them with black beans and rice.

Funny how people freak out over what pigeons eat and yet they don’t bat an eye at what catfish, shrimp, and crabs eat.
birds eat s#!t ?
A lot of birds pick through poop looking for maggots/grubs.

There is nothing wrong with eating pigeons. Even a city pigeon eats well and doesn't spend time in/around dumpsters.

Truth is the filthiest bird you've all eaten is a plain ol' Cornish Cross meat chicken. You find them everyday on under cellophane at the local grocery store. Absolutely a filthy bird that will lie in feces so it doen't have to move away from the feed trough.