Have you found that “ One Airgun”?

Those G10 grips really compliment the carbon-fiber tanks. NICE!

I have a set of those very grips sitting in a drawer, and wish I had a second GK1 for them so I wouldn't have to choose "pistol, or carbine?"

Had this thread been about one airgun to do it all, this is what I'd have posted-

View attachment 530333

What moderator is that? Does it hush the bark down? Or at least bring it down enough to the 6 inch moderators?
What moderator is that? Does it hush the bark down? Or at least bring it down enough to the 6 inch moderators?

That's the Huma Mini 30, with only the 40mm section (of the 40mm and two 20mm sections they come with). It tames the bark of airguns powerful enough to demand ear protection when shooting under my covered porch enough to not need ear protection. Add one or both 20mm sections as needed for more quieting.

No for me as well..😉
Back a long ways, I was always looking at the next one as being "the one" and Beeman did a good job of selling them... much like FX is today... None were ever quite covering all my intended uses.
Fast forward a lot of years and airguns... there is no "the one" because I've discovered too many uses and one can't cover them all. I really love shooting low power precision, low to high power plinking, FT, EFT or UFT, mid and high power benchrest, silhouettes, sitting, standing, kneeling, from a bucket, and probably others could be in there...
I also like shooting different ones just because it's interesting...
How could anything EVER cover all that...
I do love my Red Wolf and Delta Wolf because they can be used over a HUGE range of power in almost any caliber... easily... but neither is very ideal for a carry rifle for hunting or hiking. My EVOL is a great carry rifle but not quite adequate for real long range plinking... a lot of my others are based around FT... which the wife and I have done for 3 decades...
So there is no "the one" or "if you could keep only one" for me... I like too many...
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I’d like to say it’s my S200 177. But in all honesty if it’s just one it would be my Atomic 22. It does everything I need an AG to do for me.

It's funny, but the way you worded the question I would have to say "no, I have not found it yet."

But when looked at from another direction, I think I may have found it - the Huben K1. I have one in .22, and I really do love the gun/platform. It is quite accurate, but it is not my most accurate gun - nor the best trigger, best balanced gun for offhand, nor the best from the bench (obviously, as a bull pup). But it is the gun I always grab to shoot, be it for plinking, general shooting, or pesting/hunting. It also seems to be the benchmark that I use for considering other guns I could buy, because I can't find anything I really want that could replace it because I am pretty much spoiled by what a great gun it is (once used to a nice semi-auto, it is hard to go back to manual cocking on each shot). I did buy a Sidewinder after having the Huben, hoping it could be the one, but it simply is not as nice a platform - the removable mag is nice but the Huben is better in pretty much every other metric.

If it were a little bit more accurate than it is, it would probably be the one. Here is a full mag of 19 shots at 55 yards - very good, but not exceptional by any means. But probably as good as one could expect when shooting from the magazine.

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