Have you used TOAUTO A3 compressor?

I only get 200 bar out of it.

I just bought it brand new and I was wondering if they dont go above 200 bar
Is it a 4500psi compressor? If so, with 1 BAR= 14.5 psi you should be over 300. Photo shows a dead-head test plug, install at end of fill whip and see if pressure goes over 200. You can shut off compressor under pressure to check for leaks but be sure to release pressure prior to restart. WM
It is not shutting off. It keeps working and not going above 200 bar.
I’d start with the basics and check for leaks. I’m assuming you have the plug the guy above mentioned. Put your test plug in and see how high it goes. If it still won’t go past 200 bar. Pump it to that and shut off pump but don’t bleed air. Leave everything pressurized for a few minutes and watch gauge. If there’s a leak the gauge should have dropped.
It’s hopefully something simple. Maybe a fitting on the line needs snugged, or the gauge, or bleed valve.

Report back what happens and someone should be able to help.

Good luck
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