Hawke made in china

I have three Hawke scopes and all are excellent for intended purposes. They perform at or slightly better than their price bracket. The trick for success with Made in China is quality control. A good warranty will cover the few QC mistakes. I think Matt of Element Optics talked about their exhaustive search for manufacturing partners. They decided to go with China for two of their three initial models. The top model was made in Japan. Where things are made is fluid. There is a trend to move away from China by American brands. It is happening now but imports from other low cost countries are mostly lower quality than from China at this point of time. It will change given time. But if you give me a choice between an iphone made in China and one made in India, I'd pick the Chinese one today. Three years from now, it may not matter. Of course there is one's political belief in play also.
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That's a pretty funny statement. You are MOST probably buying from China, and don't even realize it !!
You can say it, but that doesn't make it true...NOT in today's world.

And like Russia, and the Ukraine, China AND...may soon come to blows !
Then we are ALL screwed.


Not wanting to sound too political as this is an air gun forum, but no way China will pick a fight with the US. Our armed forces are way superior and we buy so much stuff from them - you don't bite the hand that feeds you. China is all bark and no bite. the media and defense department are just wanting to create the next bogeyman to scare us all. Relax everyone.
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For the last several years before I retired (2015) everything I worked on was either Chinese, Japanese or Korean made. Nothing came from USA. All three of them make junk. All three of them make world class products. It’s the integrity of the importer or manufacturer that counts. If a brand wants a quality product they can and will build it to the highest specs. They will also charge for it. If you want a $39.95 3-9x40 AO scope they will build that also. It’s your integrity if you put your name on it that suffers not theirs. They built just what you told them you wanted. As long as Hawke keeps their integrity and demands quality they will have quality but when some marketing expert says the need a sub $50 scope and they do it the brand is done. Consumers will expect the same quality for $50 as a $700 scope. They will sell a lot more of the $50 scopes and that is the quality they will become known for. So to me Chinese made doesn’t much matter as to how well made it is. If the Chinese can put a lander on the moon and satellites in space they can build a rifle scope.