Don't use lube or thread lock on the ring bolts this will increase the torque value .Blue Locktite on the base screws is fine after cleaning them from oil.
JEFFPPC quoted your post and gave his own thoughts/reply in the same box as the quote.TimeRabbit did not say Blue locktite is OK on the base screws , I have no idea how it was made to look like that .
Thanks WoodWelder I did not know that it was possible to add to someone's quote it seems like this could cause problems .JEFFPPC quoted your post and gave his own thoughts/reply in the same box as the quote.
I'm sure it was just a mistake on his part?
That is a flaw in the platform template that a member can click in the quote box and type away.Thanks WoodWelder I did not know that it was possible to add to someone's quote it seems like this could cause problems .
Sorry JEFFPPC definitely did not mean to offend.
I agree...Been using BKL products for many years and have never had an issue. When removing scopes used with their rings, never any ring marks left behind on the tubes and always a good solid platform with their bases. The folks make great products with their unique design., my go to source.Get a set of BKL scope mounts!
Very true in what you said. It’s a shame That so many people don’t understand how to mount a scope.I have to believe Hawke is right about most returns being overtightening. I know lots and lots of shooters and I would say easily 90% of them over tighten, ans some by a massive amount. I know guys who use acraglass on bases and red loctite on rings! And that's on a 22LR! I've seen scopes so deformed that the turrets were locked up and huge dents in the tube, and the shooter bashing the cheap scope.
I bet it's been 20 years ago when I started preaching to stop over tightening scope rings and mounts.
The only trouble I've ever had was on springer and some of them can make you pull your hair out.
I have to believe Hawke is right about most returns being overtightening. I know lots and lots of shooters and I would say easily 90% of them over tighten, ans some by a massive amount. I know guys who use acraglass on bases and red loctite on rings! And that's on a 22LR! I've seen scopes so deformed that the turrets were locked up and huge dents in the tube, and the shooter bashing the cheap scope.
I bet it's been 20 years ago when I started preaching to stop over tightening scope rings and mounts.
The only trouble I've ever had was on springer and some of them can make you pull your hair out.
For a springer I wonder if anyone has tried double stick tape around the tube cut so as not to be seen when in the rings?? I tend too use 18 inlbs torque on ring screws.
I sold my springers because of the scope slipping issues, but also the action screws vibrating loose, etc, so not a concern anymore.