Head shot thread

Vulcan 3 700mm (Love the Accuracy of this thing)
30 cal... 54gn Thor Press slugs @ 976 fps
Tiny Dragons at 35 yards

Had a crazy storm yesterday...bugs...dragonflies are everywhere.
Well... not sure if they were head shots...maybe 3 head to torso shots o_O
Gotta level my damn camera
I wonder if smacking through dragonflies deviates the trajectory of the slug
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72 yards to the top of the hay shed….


House Sparrow… 45 grain Hades in the face.

Damn...I don't see 5 squirrels in a week out here lol
I checked my camera history and there were two more while I was at work, male and female. My neighborhood has a crazy amount. When I started controlling the numbers a few years ago I could get 4-5 a day for months straight. The last 2 years I hit them in spring and this time of year when they are on the move. It keeps it manageable the rest of the year. They are scrawny little things, but they multiply.
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