Head shot thread

That 4x4 is painted with florescent paint in a attempt to make my friends 15 years or so old NV scope be more useable at small prey @ 30 M.
He have also taken a few rats just fine but his track record are like 1 for 3 or something.

His old NV scope will run like forever on 3 little AAA batteries, i assume the phosphorus tech do not need as much power as a modern system do.
We now just use it for spotting CUZ you can see movement with it just fine, and sadly there is a long wait in between visits at the bait station so my Oneleaf NV500 can run out of power even if it have a OK battery life.

Contemplating getting a wifi extender, CUZ my M8 have a PTZ camera on the end of the barn that is aimed down at where we bait, so if the wifi reached the shot shed we could use that camera as spotter, this as it have a top down perspective also often allow us to spot the critters before they go for the bait.

But for now no wifi in the shot shed, and i would have to figure out how to do port forwarding on his router to access the NVR via a 4G phone.
And i am not strong in that network stuff, so a wifi extender seem the easy route.
Og course 1000 mbit internet would be nice to have in a field, then we could do some airgun p0rn in between shots.