Head shot thread

His face looks like a blown out shoe from a cartoon! Interesting impact angle.
Yeah I shot this guy at a forty five degree angle aiming upwards to the back of the head. I've done this shot plenty of times before, but this is the first time it's ever done this lol
Vulcan 3 ...30cal ...55gn... 960 fps
Vid was zoomed in way too much, didn't realize digital zoom was on, my apologies.
Rabbit was at a close 30 yards
This one kinda suprised me, this guy was twitching for like 2 minutes but there was literally nothing left in his skull.

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30 cal Vulcan 3 ....55gn @ 960
Rather be hitting long shots then going through underbrush trying to find rabbits. Well, got another one for the stew.
This guy was only about 20 yards but getting to him through the brush was a bitch.
Hate shooting offhand, as soon as I pull the trigger scope comes off target and can't see the impact well, not to mention I'm shaky in the off hand.

I find a good neck shot (hitting the cervical vertebrae) is no different to a head shot, they just drop like a rock.
Pigeons and other pest birds get neck shots from me. Nothing anchors them better.

The head moves too much and I’ve had wounded fly sways by seemingly perfect vital organ shots.

I like everything to fall DRT
View attachment 474473
Three in the Head dead!!! 🎯😎👊
I never get to shoot these anymore. Too developed around here. Oh well, the armadillos are moving in and they don't mind having company around!

I have a new NV toy soon, so hopefully I can get a couple dillos and bandits on film.
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