Head shot thread

Vulcan 3 700mm
30 cal... 54gn slugs @ 976 fps

This poor guy took 2 hits. First shot offhand at 35 yards and just grazed his eye and he took off. I circled around where I thought he went by taking a ridge and actually found him.

He was about 30 yards now but no chances so I got prone and then he looked right at me, could tell it was him by his damaged eye and I took a shot and nothing! My magazine must have got stuck and didn't rotate the next slug so the chamber was empty and I just shot air :-/

I did have a chance for another shot and added another rabbit for the stew. I really gotta work on my offhand shooting. I hate bad hits.


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Vulcan 3 700mm
30 cal... 54gn slugs @ 976 fps

85 yard head shot on sparrow. I got lucky. New scope and it's in mils. I'm zero'd at 50 yards, at 100 I know I need to go 2 mils up. 85 yards I guessed about 1.5 mils up so used the 1.5 mil mark and lucky me it was dead on. I clipped the one behind the first but couldn't find that one.

The shot @ 2:10 and 3:15 were real nice, looks like they had some distance.
2:10 was 102 yards, 3:15 was 90 yards. I like the second shot in video (22 seconds in) at 95ish yards. I was just packing up to leave the property when it was foolish enough to stand up. FATAL move! Those 3 were taken with my FX Boss (.30) All the shots with no numbers on the reticle are the Boss. Numbered reticle is my .22 Bobcat.
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Off topic I know, but how deep is the hollow point in those Thor slugs? Have you cut one in half for a side view?
Here ya go. They seem to expand great consistently whether head shots or body shots but I know velocity has a lot to do with it. I haven't hit any critters over 100 yards but I've tested them out on water jugs at 100 yards and they'll completely flatten out (have some vids and results if you care to see). At muzzle I'm shooting them at 974 fps and at 100 yards they're still moving 840+ fps so I'm not sure how they perform at slower speeds. At this speed though they seem to expand quick. You can see on the exit wounds and the image with the skinned rabbit was a bad shot. He was facing away and I totally miscalculated the distance and hit him low in the hip. Slug went completely through his body, broke his spine and hip, made a terrible mess of his insides, and came to rest just under the skin of the opposite shoulder. The slug broke through the muscle and just stopped under the skin, never fully exited.




Rabbit @ 45 yards
Vulcan 3 700mm
30 cal... 54gn slugs @ 976 fps

Sun was setting and getting pretty dark so vid is really bad. Rabbit was moving then just laid down right behind a bush. All I could see was his ears and lower body so I aimed at what I thought was just forward of the base of his ears and bingo...
dead on!!
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