Heathaway Plainsman pistol

The Healthways Plainsman was designed and first produced in the sixties until 1987

It was modeled after the Colt Woodsman that it resembles, it’s also a decent shooter as well as being well made. Reliable and decent examples can be had for relatively little money. Good reasons for considering the Plainsman if you’re thinking about expanding your collection of vintage replicas pistols. You do need to know which version to buy if you are to avoid problems sourcing ammunition. A few models in .22 special ammo is needed. Eight or nine models were produced. , https://youtu.be/W_AAbfVm1EA
 Thanks for the video. I noticed you had one mixed in with the other guns you said you shot on Mother’s Day. And that’s why I asked how you liked it because I was looking at one for sale. Well I Already have it on the way. It was $50 and has been re-sealed. I bought a Smith & Wesson 78G off the same seller before And it has been a good shooter.
Out of sheer boredom I whipped up this powerlet extension, so I can now use regular old 12g powerlets, and it works like a charm. Some quick depth measurements, and duplicated the factory threads on a piece of scrap.....not the prettiest, but I have a big supply of the 12g powelets.


Septic, you are correct, the Healthways Plainsman is a well constructed bb pistol. All metal construction except for the grips. The only issue I have with mine is that it always shoots well to the right. This is something I was not able to resolve even after changing barrels. In your review, you correctly mentioned that Marksman took the Plainsman over from Healthways. One important change Marksman made was to use 12 gr CO2 cartridges.
Septic, you are correct, the Healthways Plainsman is a well constructed bb pistol. All metal construction except for the grips. The only issue I have with mine is that it always shoots well to the right. This is something I was not able to resolve even after changing barrels. In your review, you correctly mentioned that Marksman took the Plainsman over from Healthways. One important change Marksman made was to use 12 gr CO2 cartridges.

Yes I'm looking for a Marksman version of one. The one in the video shoots high right. So I aim a bit low left now.