Hi! New member here. I've been looking to get my first PCP air rifle and need some recommendations so I have a good experience.
I was looking to find the most accurate PCP air rifle I can afford that can be used for hunting small game, lugging around, plinking paper, and some long range target practice. I keep seeing Ted's videos and he seems to favor the FX Bobcat a lot, but dang they are pricey. I was thinking .22 cal to have more pellet choices over .25 cal, and a little more FPE than .177 cal.
Oh, and it has to look cool!
I do like the look of the FX Bobcat (and just about all the FX guns look great), but if there is something similar that won't break the bank, I would appreciate the recommendations.
I was looking to find the most accurate PCP air rifle I can afford that can be used for hunting small game, lugging around, plinking paper, and some long range target practice. I keep seeing Ted's videos and he seems to favor the FX Bobcat a lot, but dang they are pricey. I was thinking .22 cal to have more pellet choices over .25 cal, and a little more FPE than .177 cal.
Oh, and it has to look cool!