Crosman Help for a beginner


Aug 14, 2024
So I just recently purchased a Crossman rifle .177 caliber to do some rodent control, and I read that the pointed steel pellets work great with this rifle. Well I purchased the daisy .177 caliper steel pointed pellets 250 CT. I load the rifle and pumped it released the safety, pulled the thing on the side I forget what it's called and aimed and pulled the trigger, nothing came out. I checked and the pellets look it was mangled but it just sits there but it will not shoot out! Am I doing something wrong or are these pellets not meant for this rifle? Please help. This is my first time owning one!

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First off, Have you read the manual? I believe that the magazine is only used for BBs and that pellets are loaded one at a time in that type of rifle. Get the stuck pellet removed first and go slowly, you'll figure it out.
Very good, on clearing the jam. To prevent further jams, stop using those Daisy pointed pellets (Seriously). Almost any other .177 pellet will feed (and shoot) better than those. Even the wadcutters (flat faced in simple terms). In fact, wadcutters would be more beneficial for rodent eradication as they hit harder and limit over-penetration. Don't take my word for it, just ask (or search)...
You can still buy Daisy's, just not pointed 😁

You don't need a cleaning rod, but they are helpful for certain tasks... But for cleaning the bore of airguns, I prefer weed-eater line, Lol. Probably think I'm crazy... Taking a length of weed-eater line (any brand, preferably thinner) TWICE the length plus a few inches longer than your barrel... Find the middle and fold over making a loop, feed loop down the muzzle (dangerous end) of barrel until it exits the breech/chamber (where you load pellets). Then with a cleaning patch (cotton square) soaked with... cleaner (get to that soon)...insert into loop of weed eater line about mid way and then pull threw the barrel from muzzle end. Then repeat with clean/dry patches until they come out clean (or you're sick of pulling patches).

As for cleaner, some have used goo-gone. I prefer Ballistol (or Remoil if out) to clean and lube and protect, BUT... I'm not certain you need to do all this 😅

Now for oiling, there's a few pivot points in the pump linkage that need oil and also the pump piston head... I've typed a lot, look to owners manual for locations 😉

Next shopping trip get some wadcutters, domed and hollow points. The one that's most constantly accurate is what you should be using. Gun chooses ammo it likes, not the operator.

Good luck!
Thank you so much for your help, that was awesome! I truly appreciate you! I will for sure have to look over the manual once more to see if I may have missed something or simply forgot reading about it lol.. 😅
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First off, Have you read the manual? I believe that the magazine is only used for BBs and that pellets are loaded one at a time in that type of rifle. Get the stuck pellet removed first and go slowly, you'll figure it out.
I did read it but don't recall it saying anything like that, but I'll give it another read through again just to make sure.
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First off, Have you read the manual? I believe that the magazine is only used for BBs and that pellets are loaded one at a time in that type of rifle. Get the stuck pellet removed first and go slowly, you'll figure it out.
Thanks for that, right after I accidentally got my rifle to finally shoot, I saw what you were saying about the bb's and pellets. I appreciate you. 🙏
Now that you're up and running-practice,practice, practice! Set up a target at the distance you would expect to be shooting from and get sighted in. Out of the box rifles are rarely sighted in. Hitting the target will be another learning experience. Be patient and don't start shooting at live targets until you know your rifle and what YOU can do with it. Every missed shot makes the pests more wary and trust me they get wise quickly! You may eventually find some sort of trap to be a time saver. Good luck and shoot safely.