Out taking out squirrels on one of my family properties, Northeast extreme of the metro Atlanta area, bird with similar colorings to bobwhite and brown thrasher... Please excuse my crude descriptor as this is the best way I can put it.... Imagine a bobwhite, whipoorwhill, turkey, and song sparrow had a gangbang and somehow all the DNA melded into a mutant child, 2/3rds the size of a chicken, looking like an obese sparrow, round like a quail, faster than all hell, and the strut and tail display of a tom turkey. Had 2, this species has to be a game bird... Any bells ringing as to what it may be. The bird app I have is birdlab from Cornell University. And for my zip code nothing matches. The closest are thrasher, woodcock, and ovenbird, but no, way bigger, didn't appear to be flighted