N/A Help we win!

Howdy folks,

Let me preface this with a bit of a back story. Part of my air gun range is an expanded IHMSA air pistol range shooting 1/10th scale targets. I say expanded because instead of the regulation 10yd Chicken, 12yd Pig, 15yd Turkey & 18yd Ram they are sitting at 10yds, 15yds, 20yds & 25yds respectively. IHMSA air pistol never took off in my area, so the range became the family favorite plinking range. Many years of good times have been spent knocking them over with all manner of air guns. I say with all humility that the ”old man” is the undisputed champion of that range. Don’t get me wrong, my kids are dang good shots but I always manage to edge them out in our friendly competitions.

Fast forward 20 years..

Recently my son got into 10m pistol & from all accounts he’s good at it! After speaking to him on the phone last night, he was telling me he wouldn’t be home for Thanksgiving but would for Christmas, he had the audacity to challenge me with the IHMSA range. The cocky little sh*t thinks he can take me ON MY RANGE with his 10m pistol! But it gets better, owing to my old age & infirmity (his words) he will allow me the use of a long gun with some proviso’s. It needs to have open sights & shoot sub 700 fps.

He doesn’t realize old age & treachery will overcome youth & skill so to my way of thinking that means diopter sights. The problem is I don’t own any rifles that meet that criterion. I do have a tuned Daisy 880 that is a tack driver but it has standard irons. I am tempted to use it & even think I might could take him with it (I have “cleaned” the course using it a time or 2) but where is the fun in that??


I would prefer not to spend $5k on a 10m rifle to win a gentleman’s bet but I am willing to spend a good bit so I might as well use this “challenge” as an excuse to get something I will actually enjoy having.

I am not really up on the myriad of springers out there (This “old man” is wanting “old school” to learn this whipper snapper) so if anyone can provide some suggestions I would be greatly appreciative!

So in a nutshell I am looking for a springer that is sub 700fps, exceptionally accurate & has provisions for a diopter rear & hooded front sight (duel dovetail). Oh & I need it in the next 2 -3 weeks. Easy right...

Sorry for the long post but I figured there aren’t any (many) kids here & some of you might enjoy the wind up.

Howdy folks,

Let me preface this with a bit of a back story. Part of my air gun range is an expanded IHMSA air pistol range shooting 1/10th scale targets. I say expanded because instead of the regulation 10yd Chicken, 12yd Pig, 15yd Turkey & 18yd Ram they are sitting at 10yds, 15yds, 20yds & 25yds respectively. IHMSA air pistol never took off in my area, so the range became the family favorite plinking range. Many years of good times have been spent knocking them over with all manner of air guns. I say with all humility that the ”old man” is the undisputed champion of that range. Don’t get me wrong, my kids are dang good shots but I always manage to edge them out in our friendly competitions.

Fast forward 20 years..

Recently my son got into 10m pistol & from all accounts he’s good at it! After speaking to him on the phone last night, he was telling me he wouldn’t be home for Thanksgiving but would for Christmas, he had the audacity to challenge me with the IHMSA range. The cocky little sh*t thinks he can take me ON MY RANGE with his 10m pistol! But it gets better, owing to my old age & infirmity (his words) he will allow me the use of a long gun with some proviso’s. It needs to have open sights & shoot sub 700 fps.

He doesn’t realize old age & treachery will overcome youth & skill so to my way of thinking that means diopter sights. The problem is I don’t own any rifles that meet that criterion. I do have a tuned Daisy 880 that is a tack driver but it has standard irons. I am tempted to use it & even think I might could take him with it (I have “cleaned” the course using it a time or 2) but where is the fun in that??


I would prefer not to spend $5k on a 10m rifle to win a gentleman’s bet but I am willing to spend a good bit so I might as well use this “challenge” as an excuse to get something I will actually enjoy having.

I am not really up on the myriad of springers out there (This “old man” is wanting “old school” to learn this whipper snapper) so if anyone can provide some suggestions I would be greatly appreciative!

So in a nutshell I am looking for a springer that is sub 700fps, exceptionally accurate & has provisions for a diopter rear & hooded front sight (duel dovetail). Oh & I need it in the next 2 -3 weeks. Easy right...

Sorry for the long post but I figured there aren’t any (many) kids here & some of you might enjoy the wind up.

See “Reduced Diana 65” in classified section. Absolutely Awesome recoiless springer in your power range with AWESOME sights and accuracy…think of it as a break barrel 75. Good luck. John
@Yogi_Rides - This thing looks like a shooter and is pushing 11.2 fpe. Comes with a nice set of diopters. Easy to fill and 60 shots a tank. Buy a hand pump and make him fill it. Give that young whipper snapper some What For.

Howdy folks,

Let me preface this with a bit of a back story. Part of my air gun range is an expanded IHMSA air pistol range shooting 1/10th scale targets. I say expanded because instead of the regulation 10yd Chicken, 12yd Pig, 15yd Turkey & 18yd Ram they are sitting at 10yds, 15yds, 20yds & 25yds respectively. IHMSA air pistol never took off in my area, so the range became the family favorite plinking range. Many years of good times have been spent knocking them over with all manner of air guns. I say with all humility that the ”old man” is the undisputed champion of that range. Don’t get me wrong, my kids are dang good shots but I always manage to edge them out in our friendly competitions.

Fast forward 20 years..

Recently my son got into 10m pistol & from all accounts he’s good at it! After speaking to him on the phone last night, he was telling me he wouldn’t be home for Thanksgiving but would for Christmas, he had the audacity to challenge me with the IHMSA range. The cocky little sh*t thinks he can take me ON MY RANGE with his 10m pistol! But it gets better, owing to my old age & infirmity (his words) he will allow me the use of a long gun with some proviso’s. It needs to have open sights & shoot sub 700 fps.

He doesn’t realize old age & treachery will overcome youth & skill so to my way of thinking that means diopter sights. The problem is I don’t own any rifles that meet that criterion. I do have a tuned Daisy 880 that is a tack driver but it has standard irons. I am tempted to use it & even think I might could take him with it (I have “cleaned” the course using it a time or 2) but where is the fun in that??


I would prefer not to spend $5k on a 10m rifle to win a gentleman’s bet but I am willing to spend a good bit so I might as well use this “challenge” as an excuse to get something I will actually enjoy having.

I am not really up on the myriad of springers out there (This “old man” is wanting “old school” to learn this whipper snapper) so if anyone can provide some suggestions I would be greatly appreciative!

So in a nutshell I am looking for a springer that is sub 700fps, exceptionally accurate & has provisions for a diopter rear & hooded front sight (duel dovetail). Oh & I need it in the next 2 -3 weeks. Easy right...

Sorry for the long post but I figured there aren’t any (many) kids here & some of you might enjoy the wind up.

Anything?….did you “school“ your offspring?
Howdy folks,

Let me preface this with a bit of a back story. Part of my air gun range is an expanded IHMSA air pistol range shooting 1/10th scale targets. I say expanded because instead of the regulation 10yd Chicken, 12yd Pig, 15yd Turkey & 18yd Ram they are sitting at 10yds, 15yds, 20yds & 25yds respectively. IHMSA air pistol never took off in my area, so the range became the family favorite plinking range. Many years of good times have been spent knocking them over with all manner of air guns. I say with all humility that the ”old man” is the undisputed champion of that range. Don’t get me wrong, my kids are dang good shots but I always manage to edge them out in our friendly competitions.

Fast forward 20 years..

Recently my son got into 10m pistol & from all accounts he’s good at it! After speaking to him on the phone last night, he was telling me he wouldn’t be home for Thanksgiving but would for Christmas, he had the audacity to challenge me with the IHMSA range. The cocky little sh*t thinks he can take me ON MY RANGE with his 10m pistol! But it gets better, owing to my old age & infirmity (his words) he will allow me the use of a long gun with some proviso’s. It needs to have open sights & shoot sub 700 fps.

He doesn’t realize old age & treachery will overcome youth & skill so to my way of thinking that means diopter sights. The problem is I don’t own any rifles that meet that criterion. I do have a tuned Daisy 880 that is a tack driver but it has standard irons. I am tempted to use it & even think I might could take him with it (I have “cleaned” the course using it a time or 2) but where is the fun in that??


I would prefer not to spend $5k on a 10m rifle to win a gentleman’s bet but I am willing to spend a good bit so I might as well use this “challenge” as an excuse to get something I will actually enjoy having.

I am not really up on the myriad of springers out there (This “old man” is wanting “old school” to learn this whipper snapper) so if anyone can provide some suggestions I would be greatly appreciative!

So in a nutshell I am looking for a springer that is sub 700fps, exceptionally accurate & has provisions for a diopter rear & hooded front sight (duel dovetail). Oh & I need it in the next 2 -3 weeks. Easy right...

Sorry for the long post but I figured there aren’t any (many) kids here & some of you might enjoy the wind up.

SO ? how did this go ? Did you do your job , winning for us old guy's ?
Second that! Are you going to be competing rifle against pistol, which seems like no contest. If you need a pistol maybe something like an Air Venturi V 10 which will not break the bank. Personally I shoot a IZH 46m, but they are made in Russia and are not currently available due to sanctions on imports, It's a fantastic 10m single stroke pneumatic, easy to cock and charge and the trigger is the thing dreams are made of I also have a FWB 65 and 80, but then they are older recoiless spring air, available only on the used market and may need new seals.
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Sorry guys, “tis the season” & all that. The house is finally emptied out so I have time pursue my more nebulous interests.

Edit: To potentially save you a bit of a read, I do not post the match results in this message. I got tired of typing & will post the match results in a subsequent post. There is a bit of a story here so if you are so inclined, settle back for a read..

December the 21st was the first & as it turned out, only chance I had to shoot the Diana 65 prior to match day. It was clear, breezy & cold! At 1400 it warmed up to 34deg so I decided it wasn’t going to get any warmer & set up my range. I also posted a paper target planning to get a little testing in to see what pellet she liked.

Before shooting paper I decided I would do a little plinking to get myself settled in. I reached into my shooting box & grabbed the 1st tin of pellets that were at hand. Some Crossman Piranha’s. It was a surprising snug fit loading the pellet. I took aim at a polycarbonate beer bottle target hanging some 40yds away & fired a shot & it was a clean miss. I was a little surprised, I reloaded & fired another. Once again a clean miss. This time though, I noticed I did not hear or see the pellet hit anything. I reloaded again (you notice I am a bit slow on the uptake) & shot again at a much closer target only to miss again. A light went off in my head, I cocked the barrel, looked in & surprise surprise I saw only darkness. My range rod shows the pellets made it to within an inch of the muzzle before coming to a stop. I have to conclude the Diana has a choked barrel.. A gentle push cleared the barrel.

Next I grabbed a tin of Falcon match pellets. I took aim at the 25yd Ram & she went over with a satisfying “ting”. 4 more shots & I cleaned the Rams. I started working my way closer. Each shot accounted for a target. To say I was delighted when the final Chicken fell would be an understatement!

The rifle is a sheer joy to shoot. Easy to cock with a fantastic trigger. It has about 1/16th of an inch of clean, drag free takeup then it breaks like a glass rod at an estimated 2-4oz. You don’t pull the trigger so much as think about it & she fires.

When I reset the targets I noticed that nearly every one of them had been hit near dead center. To be fair, I was shooting in my range’s “official” shooting position of semi supported. That is, in a yard chair with elbows resting on knees.

After the targets were reset I shot them again this time only missing 1 Chicken, my fault not the rifles. I knew I would miss when the shot broke.

By now my hands were cold & I was thoroughly confident in my ability to dominate the match. As I was picking everything up I started to feel guilty. This rifle is definitely a ringer to throw into the match.

I had to chuckle when I pulled the as yet undamaged paper target down. Who needs to shoot paper when you have a rifle & pellet combo that cant miss…

This has run longer than I thought so I will post the match results tomorrow.
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