N/A Help we win!


I hope y’all don’t mind my verbose posts as I wax eloquent, but I find the story is always at least as interesting as the facts.

If you are only interest in the facts & have neither the time nor patience to wade through my musings read the spoiler.
It was a thorough drubbing. Honestly he never had a chance & it showed in the end. 78x80 for me to his 68x80. Read that last couple lines of the post though

December 24th dawned warm & partly cloudy without a breath of wind. Kentucky enjoys 4 seasons so the 50 degrees we were treated to was uncharacteristically warm.

My son typically shoots a Steyr for 10m competition, but he brought his backup gun to shoot against me. A Walther LP400. As we setup the range a fair amount of smack talking was done. Mostly centered on my old age (I am 35yrs his senior) & him being a punk kid still wet behind the ears.

While I had not yet revealed my ringer (it was still in the case) he knew about it. My wife spilled her guts & told him all she knew hoping to give him an edge. That’s why women don’t fart, they can’t keep their mouths closed long enough to build pressure! Anyway.. He confessed to having been practicing on IHMSA targets as well at the same distances, so he said he needed no warmup shooting.
This was a gambit on his part (kids can be treacherous too). It’s well known that I generally need a half dozen shots or so to settle in. My 1st 2 or 3 typically aren’t my finest but I reluctantly agreed.

I drew out the lawn chairs & he protested. He said he shoots 10m pistol offhand. I told him he was welcome to shoot offhand if he wanted but this was My Range & we have shot out of lawn chairs for time immemorial. He reluctantly agreed.

Rules were simple, 2 20 shot matches for a possible score of 40x40. Best 2 out of 3 wins.

We settled into our chairs, me shooting elbows on knees & him cross legged with the pistol resting on his knee. A cooler of frosty beverages between us.

Round 1

His gambit paid off; I missed the 1st Chicken & he was entirely pleased with himself for that bit of wit, but he missed 2 Turkeys & 2 Rams.

Old Man 19x20
Punk Kid 16x20

We took a bit of a break as we reset the targets. He started to complain that it wasn’t fair that I was using a rifle to his pistol. I told him “Hold up, this is exactly what you asked for! You thought you were a hot sh*t pistolero & were going to take your old man using a rifle?? That was flat foolishness & now you gonna take your drubbing like a man!”. He said “Yeah but I figured you would use the Daisy (I have a tuned Daisy 880 that is a frequent visitor to this range) & was pretty sure I could win against that. So I told him “Aw hell boy, you gave me an excuse to get a new rifle, so I did.” & smiled beatifically.

Honestly I am surprised he didn’t challenge me to a pistol match. I am primarily a pistol guy, for every rifle I own both AG & PB I easily own 3 pistols. In fact when they were kids our shooting competitions were often them with a rifle & me with a pistol.

Round 2

His confidence shattered this is when things turned bad for him.

Old Man 20x20
Punk Kid 15x20


Old Man 39x40
Punk Kid 31x40

After match 1 he saw the writing on the wall & wanted to concede the match. I wouldn’t let him though. Ever since he was little he has heard me tell him “When you start something you finish it” & dang it, we were going to finish this match!

I won’t bore you with the details, it went much as match 1 did. He did shoot a little better though.

Final score overall

Old Man 78x80
Punk Kid 68x80

The score should have been 79x80 but one of the Chickens I just grazed & instead of falling, turned 90deg. I have never seen that happen before with a chicken but, still technically a miss.

Overall he did well. I have shot this course many times with many different pistols & while I have never actually kept score for them I doubt I have ever done better than he did & I told him as much.

Instead of congratulations on my win he started making excuses. I raised him better than that… 🤷‍♂️

Slightly miffed I challenged HIM to any match, with any gun shot from any stance he wanted.

Stay tuned for the rematch shot the same day.

I hope y’all don’t mind my verbose posts as I wax eloquent, but I find the story is always at least as interesting as the facts.

If you are only interest in the facts & have neither the time nor patience to wade through my musings read the spoiler.
It was a thorough drubbing. Honestly he never had a chance & it showed in the end. 78x80 for me to his 68x80. Read that last couple lines of the post though

December 24th dawned warm & partly cloudy without a breath of wind. Kentucky enjoys 4 seasons so the 50 degrees we were treated to was uncharacteristically warm.

My son typically shoots a Steyr for 10m competition, but he brought his backup gun to shoot against me. A Walther LP400. As we setup the range a fair amount of smack talking was done. Mostly centered on my old age (I am 35yrs his senior) & him being a punk kid still wet behind the ears.

While I had not yet revealed my ringer (it was still in the case) he knew about it. My wife spilled her guts & told him all she knew hoping to give him an edge. That’s why women don’t fart, they can’t keep their mouths closed long enough to build pressure! Anyway.. He confessed to having been practicing on IHMSA targets as well at the same distances, so he said he needed no warmup shooting.
This was a gambit on his part (kids can be treacherous too). It’s well known that I generally need a half dozen shots or so to settle in. My 1st 2 or 3 typically aren’t my finest but I reluctantly agreed.

I drew out the lawn chairs & he protested. He said he shoots 10m pistol offhand. I told him he was welcome to shoot offhand if he wanted but this was My Range & we have shot out of lawn chairs for time immemorial. He reluctantly agreed.

Rules were simple, 2 20 shot matches for a possible score of 40x40. Best 2 out of 3 wins.

We settled into our chairs, me shooting elbows on knees & him cross legged with the pistol resting on his knee. A cooler of frosty beverages between us.

Round 1

His gambit paid off; I missed the 1st Chicken & he was entirely pleased with himself for that bit of wit, but he missed 2 Turkeys & 2 Rams.

Old Man 19x20
Punk Kid 16x20

We took a bit of a break as we reset the targets. He started to complain that it wasn’t fair that I was using a rifle to his pistol. I told him “Hold up, this is exactly what you asked for! You thought you were a hot sh*t pistolero & were going to take your old man using a rifle?? That was flat foolishness & now you gonna take your drubbing like a man!”. He said “Yeah but I figured you would use the Daisy (I have a tuned Daisy 880 that is a frequent visitor to this range) & was pretty sure I could win against that. So I told him “Aw hell boy, you gave me an excuse to get a new rifle, so I did.” & smiled beatifically.

Honestly I am surprised he didn’t challenge me to a pistol match. I am primarily a pistol guy, for every rifle I own both AG & PB I easily own 3 pistols. In fact when they were kids our shooting competitions were often them with a rifle & me with a pistol.

Round 2

His confidence shattered this is when things turned bad for him.

Old Man 20x20
Punk Kid 15x20


Old Man 39x40
Punk Kid 31x40

After match 1 he saw the writing on the wall & wanted to concede the match. I wouldn’t let him though. Ever since he was little he has heard me tell him “When you start something you finish it” & dang it, we were going to finish this match!

I won’t bore you with the details, it went much as match 1 did. He did shoot a little better though.

Final score overall

Old Man 78x80
Punk Kid 68x80

The score should have been 79x80 but one of the Chickens I just grazed & instead of falling, turned 90deg. I have never seen that happen before with a chicken but, still technically a miss.

Overall he did well. I have shot this course many times with many different pistols & while I have never actually kept score for them I doubt I have ever done better than he did & I told him as much.

Instead of congratulations on my win he started making excuses. I raised him better than that… 🤷‍♂️

Slightly miffed I challenged HIM to any match, with any gun shot from any stance he wanted.

Stay tuned for the rematch shot the same day.
Thanks for the overview…. I shoot FT with my son regularly…I really like to win, but secretly, I like it when he wins too….let’s me know I taught him well. John
Youth under values experience backed up by old man strength , every time. Good story. When my son was in HS we use to wrestle. He could never beat me. One day unhappy he was pinned again he proclaimed what was I going to do when I got old and he was still young. I said wait around the corner and get you with a 2x4 when you come around. He said you wouldn't do that. His buddy laughed and said oh yes it will. Of course it never got to that.....yet, lol.
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