jasperjet, I had the same issue. Dry fired after removing the bottle, hammer got stuck forward keeping the valve open on about the 3rd shot. The cocking lever could only go about 1/2 way back. Franklink has the issue figured correctly.
Chris + Shane at AoA talked me through the fix. I'm doing this from memory, so everyone help me out if you see something wrong:
- Remove the cheekpiece
- Remove the last 4 bolts on the rail
- Loosen the nut under the magazine loading area, to the left of the 'GHOST' label on the right side, don't remove it
- Undo the 2 smaller bolts holding the hammer sear cassette on the lower right side of the far rear of the frame
- Be careful, there's a tiny pin connecting a brass hook/ears to the cassette, mine fell out and I almost lost it - Remove the cassette, save the pin
- Slide out the back section, eyeball your stuck hammer
- AoA told me to 'whack it', so I used a wooden chopstick against the hammer, hit the chopstick with a hammer a few times, then it came loose
- Reassemble
Before reassembling, I worked the hammer back and forth a few times, seemed to still be binding a little, but didn't get stuck. I decided not to disassemble it further to diagnose the issue then. Today the same thing happened on my first dry fire to empty it, but on the first shot it dumped all the air. Luckily this time the cocking level worked fine, so either it wore in slightly or I got lucky.
See Franklink's review, page 1 for some great photos of the parts in question.