help with an Aeron B96

I picked up an Aeron B96 that is missing part 38 (drawbar) in the diagram below. Anyone have a spare? 😊 I suspect not in which case I might need to try to make one. It’s just a piece of bent metal, right? However, it needs to be shaped and bent just right.

Aeron B96 diagram.1619234175.jpg

Anyone have one who might give me some pointers?

I assume this drawbar catches the notch on the bottom of part 37 to index the magazine as the crossbar (26) is moving rearward from the full-forward position to the cocked position.

Looks like there might be a little ramp under the cage (97) that gives it a bit extra outward movement to pull the drawbar out far enough to index (rather than simply the height of the “bump”). (hope that makes sense). Is this true? If so, how does it get back past the square face of that ramp when moving forward after firing? Does it deflect downward to slide beneath it? It must then move upward again at some point to catch the ramp next cycle.

Any observations as the motion of that piece during the cocking and firing cycles would be helpful. Otherwise, I’ll start making prototypes based on the best pictures I can find and observing the behavior.

Worst case I have an auto-cocking manual indexing equivalent of a Tau 7.

I'd hoped someone would post something to give you some hope of finding the part you need for that B96, so I wouldn't have to post this. However since no-one (else) has responded, I'll speculate based on some experience.

Notwithstanding some connections in the Czech Republic who could scour that country for the part you need, I have serious doubts you can locate one. Perhaps not even if you did have contacts in the CR.

A few years ago I lost the Co2 cap for my (Czech made) Tau 7; and lacking any success searching for a replacement, I posted a WTB plea on this forum with NO response. Several months later a gentleman contacted me who was placing an order with the manufacturer offering to add the part I needed to his order. That's what happened, and that's how I got the part.

So the only hope I can offer you is that you contact the manufacturer, because I seriously doubt the part you need exists anywhere else. 

BTW, below are my B96 testing notes. Good luck.

View attachment B96 excerpt pdf.1619375222.pdf

Thanks AirNGasman. I'm pretty sure I'm going to need to make one. Might be futile, but I've been able to blunder my way through making some simple parts before. Fortunately, it should be easier than trying to fabricate a CO2 cap. 

I've been doing a bit more research and those guys at anotherairgunblog are going to help me out with a pretty good picture of the little critter. For those of you who don't know about it, it's a fantastic resource. I do have that funky spring so that should help as well.

Hope they don't mind me sharing as long as I give them credit.

b96 drawbar.1619408573.jpg

Would still be interested in someone describing what happens as the action is cycled manually.

Picture shows position with trigger set, when trigger is released the bent part travels towards your hand and past the loading tray then is pushed down under the bump on the loading tray. The pistol fires and the bent part travels toward the muzzle and again passes the loading tray, finally it travels back towards the starting position and then pushes the bump on the loading tray to the next position 
Thanks @Canshooter. Your timing is perfect. Thank you for taking time to reply to this old post. I figured out most of the basics last winter but then got busy with other things. I pulled it out this last week and finished up a prototype I had in the works. It is very close but didn't push the loading tray out quite far enough. I started on version 2.0 just last night. 

The thing I haven't quite figure out is how it can both push the loading tray out far enough and let it slide past when reloading? Is the "the ramp" ending at the bend (arrow below) taller so once it slides by the bump, it can slide past behind it to reload? Hope that makes sense. I can't quite get that profile detail from this picture I found.

b96 detail.1644099349.jpg

photo 1: after 5th shot loading tray is blocked from being pushed in.

photo 2: after pushing down end of loading tray and then releasing it, the bent piece stays down allowing loading tray to be pushed in

photo 3: after pushing loading tray all the way in

photo 4: after the first shot, loading tray has been indexed and cannot be pushed back in

Now I have a different issue with mine and will start a new post, hopefully I get an answer,
Thanks for the additional pictures and descriptions. That is helpful. I'm close and had it working 80% of the time but then got busy with other things. Could be that I'm running up against the original problem (whatever reason it was missing that piece when I picked it up). I may need to take a bit of a break before I take another run at it. Should spend some time actually shooting it with the single-shot tray or even manually indexing the magazine - pretty much the equivalent of a magazine-loaded auto-cocking Tau 7. Five shots as fast as you can pull the trigger sure sounds like fun though :)

Hope you get yours sorted out.