I did something STUPID that I have never done before with my avenger. When I loading a full magazine I screwed up. I put it in
the rifle. When I tried closing the bolt it would not close. It felt like it does when you run out of pellets & the bolt will not go forward
any more. So I tried to remove the magazine but it feels like there is a pellet stuck haft way in the barrel breach & half in the mag. It
will not budge. I put the gun on safety & try sticking the smallest cleaning road down the barrel thinking I could knock the pellet back
into the magazine, but will not go. I,m thinking that plastic indexing spool has turned enough to be blocking the pellet going back any
farther? Surly I,m not the first to have this problem? Any idea what I can do with out damaging the mag or rifle?
the rifle. When I tried closing the bolt it would not close. It felt like it does when you run out of pellets & the bolt will not go forward
any more. So I tried to remove the magazine but it feels like there is a pellet stuck haft way in the barrel breach & half in the mag. It
will not budge. I put the gun on safety & try sticking the smallest cleaning road down the barrel thinking I could knock the pellet back
into the magazine, but will not go. I,m thinking that plastic indexing spool has turned enough to be blocking the pellet going back any
farther? Surly I,m not the first to have this problem? Any idea what I can do with out damaging the mag or rifle?