Sheridan Help with my childhood Sheridan

The hardest part of my valve service was holding the hammer spring tension and screwing the valve retaining nut in without cross threading it.
I was determined to put it in the same way it came out, but I couldn't get it, and wound up flipping it.View attachment 528910
So flipping it is ok? I saw some video where somebody had the same problem.
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I plan on tackling the project myself, I'm fairly mechanically inclined, I may get into and change my mind, but I'll give it a go. I ran across a kit that includes the tool to remove the valve.
I'm glad you mentioned .20 caliber, I couldn't remember if it was .20 or .177.

Edit; just ordered the seal kit and the bolt, I'm committed now, ha.
I look forward to your feedback!
I plan on tackling the project myself, I'm fairly mechanically inclined, I may get into and change my mind, but I'll give it a go. I ran across a kit that includes the tool to remove the valve.
I'm glad you mentioned .20 caliber, I couldn't remember if it was .20 or .177.

Edit; just ordered the seal kit and the bolt, I'm committed now, ha.
You will also need this pump head to use with the pump cup in the kit that you ordered, unless it had already been swapped out in the past. Up until the early 60's, Sheridans had cups that were molded into the head and are not easily replaceable.
The old Sheridans had a great trigger and give good accuracy with modern .20 pellets, so well worth fixing up in my opinion. I also like the tang safety on yours as it encourages the thumb top hold that is still used by many top shooters since it prevents torquing the stock. I rebuilt mine myself, so it can’t be too hard. I did make a special tool to remove the valve, maybe something similar is available to purchase. If you are sending it out for rebuild, ask to have the receiver drilled for a receiver sight, or maybe you can do that yourself. Good luck!
The trigger is great on these old Sheridans. Why do they have to recreate this design into many moving parts, resulting in a sloppy stiff, who knows when it's going to go off, mess of a trigger.
You will also need this pump head to use with the pump cup in the kit that you ordered, unless it had already been swapped out in the past. Up until the early 60's, Sheridans had cups that were molded into the head and are not easily replaceable.
Thanks, I'll go ahead and order that. I'm almost certain it's never been opened up.
Make sure to mop out the pump tube and valve chamber real good. You can use different size wooden dowel rods with slots cut in them to hold the shop towels. Enamel Reducer works well to cut the grime. Valve chambers can get corroded on older guns, so use a piece of scotch brite if necessary. When you think it clean, flush the tube with dawn dish soap and hot water, then blow it out with high pressure air until dry inside. Check your work with a flash light.


Make sure to mop out the pump tube and valve chamber real good. You can use different size wooden dowel rods with slots cut in them to hold the shop towels. Enamel Reducer works well to cut the grime. Valve chambers can get corroded on older guns, so use a piece of scotch brite if necessary. When you think it clean, flush the tube with dawn dish soap and hot water, then blow it out with high pressure air until dry inside. Check your work with a flash light.

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Exactly how I did mine.
Make sure to mop out the pump tube and valve chamber real good. You can use different size wooden dowel rods with slots cut in them to hold the shop towels. Enamel Reducer works well to cut the grime. Valve chambers can get corroded on older guns, so use a piece of scotch brite if necessary. When you think it clean, flush the tube with dawn dish soap and hot water, then blow it out with high pressure air until dry inside. Check your work with a flash light.

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View attachment 533242
Thanks for the tip. I've got some gun cleaning supplies for my powder burners, I used a shotgun cleaning plug with patches and auto brake cleaner and gun scrubber spray to clean out the air chamber, and I used patches and other items to clean the valve chamber.
I ordered a bore scope (been wanting one anyway) so I can inspect the air tube and valve chamber before I start putting it back together; I should get it tomorrow.
Hope I get lucky and it works the first time. Thank goodness for Youtube and this forum.:)
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Got the borescope, this is the one I got:
It doesn't have its own screen so I used it with my Windows laptop. I'm pretty happy with it.

Looks like I've got some cleaning to do. I think I read somebody used steel wool, maybe on a long rod with a drill? Anybody have other ideas?
Youtuber Northwestairgun mentioned he used a piloted cutter but I don't have any of those.
Maybe let is soak with some kind of cleaning solvent...?

Edit to add; now I'm thinking I might get some gun cleaning lead remover and put small rag in the end of each chamber, soak the rag and let it sit for a day or so, keeping the rags wet with the solvent. Maybe do the same with other solvent for the non-lead crud.

First image is the air tube, second is the valve chamber.

air tube--before.jpg

valve chamber--before.jpg
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Got the borescope, this is the one I got:
It doesn't have its own screen so I used it with my Windows laptop. I'm pretty happy with it.

Looks like I've got some cleaning to do. I think I read somebody used steel wool, maybe on a long rod with a drill? Anybody have other ideas?
Youtuber Northwestairgun mentioned he used a piloted cutter but I don't have any of those.
Maybe let is soak with some kind of cleaning solvent...?

Edit to add; now I'm thinking I might get some gun cleaning lead remover and put small rag in the end of each chamber, soak the rag and let it sit for a day or so, keeping the rags wet with the solvent. Maybe do the same with other solvent for the non-lead crud.

First image is the air tube, second is the valve chamber.

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View attachment 533652
Congrats on that borescope!
I used a dowel with patches and dishwashing liquid with hot water. I wouldn't put any solvents in it. An extended air nozzle with a trigger works well to blow it out.
The only lead in there is the solder that is holding it together.
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