Watch this video. This was my reason for getting a SCBA tank when I got my first PCP."amoxom"Thank you! Like I said I am new to the whole air tank game.
I just asked Scott and they informed me what each size equated to in CF. Contrary to what most companies seem to indicate, there are only a few CF tank makers. The largest and most common is Luxfer. Most companies buy their tanks from Luxfer or another maker and rebrand them. So the sizes are pretty much the same after the paintball size tanks. There will be 45, 65 and 87 CF. Some companies will stretch it and say their tanks are a little larger."amoxom"It is a 30 minute tank. I asked and he responded. I am still struggling to find to find the correlation and math that equates a 73.3cc water capacity/volume and 4500 psi to actual Cubic Feet capacity? There must be formulas to calculate it somehow?
This site gives a pretty close estimate. Of course a longer hose, or not using a micro-bore hose, or slowly opening the bleeder will waste air and take off the fills"RidinLou"So I will get how many refills back to 3000 psi in my Hatsan 44AT Long, or to 2000 psi in my disco with a
Scott 60.
All I need is the adapter hose and connector(s) in addition to this tank?