My friend have a gamo arrow, and i have a problem with that, CUZ at 50 M or less distance it is generally as accurate as my FX maverick and AGT Vulcan 3 in the same .177 caliber.
Stretching it out to 80 - 100 M and tuned with slugs, i can still hit a ping pong ball in almost every shot, my friend struggle to hit a tennis ball as the arrow do not like any slug we put in it, and its not really tuneable.
Mind you if i shoot long with pellets, well it is also a lot worse than with the slugs, so i just shoot pellets on the short distances.
EDIT: the arrow, it do seem to eat the breech seal O-rings, that on it is located on the probe, so get spares.
Arroe i am sure have A LOT cheaper feel to it then the JTS aircuda, the arrow cocking are also " weird " but its build in moderator do OK in the .177 caliber.
Personally i would look at something that at least have a chance shooting slugs too, you will like that stretching it out.