If any of the clubs in your area host Extreme Field Target matches that might be the best of both worlds for you.
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Also check with Martin at Airguns USA, the master himself. He built a .17 with a 19” barrel in one of his custom stocks for me. Zero doesn’t move and more accurate then I’m able to shootVery good points! I am an avid traditional bow hunter so from the onset ass-u-me'd range estimation would be no problem for me. Honestly, using parallax to range find is completely foreign ground for me so I will have to commit myself to it.
As I get deeper down this rabbit hole I believe you are right. A "do all" gun, especially in the context of competition has always been a pipe dream. Not sure why I thought FT would be any different. I have been educatedI will get the HFT gun 1st & then look for a good "Critter Gitter".
Insofar as the enviroment, I live in very rural KY just south of Cincinnati. The gun would be used for nusance animals around my property. Everything from Chipmunks to Coons to the odd Coyote can expect to find themselves in my sights. I had originally planned to buy a FX Wildcat for this purpose but about the same time I learned about HFT & the odyssey began..
The RAW HM1000 has really caught my eye! In fact I am going to reach out to them today to get an idea of lead time on a build.