Hatsan Hi all! New here ANY one have the blitz .25?

Recently bought a .30 hatsan blitz----LOVE LOVE LOVE it! Anyone out there have the .25 version? I have always shot Benjamin bolts ( armada and bulldog- both for sale now btw) and although the benjamins are wonderful rifles, I am kinda "spoiled" with the semi/full auto of the hatsan. The blitz isn't quite as precise (OKAY - no where near as sharp) but for what I use a PCP for, it's perfect. So much in fact I want to get the .25 version due to having a considerable amount of that ammo, just as a back up if the .30 ever craps out.

I basically have PCP's around for varmint control on my land- where using my hunting rifles is possible, but kinda impractical. We are talking rabbit, pigs, ground squirrels, rattlesnakes, and coyote ..... To be honest, I am mostly a live/let live kinda person, but sometimes I have problem animals threatening my critters or plants, and action is needed.

I have seen a few people asking about coyotes especially- the bulldog/.357 is perfect for that and for small pigs. I have yet to use the Hatsan .30 for a coyote, but I suspect it will do just fine.

My main question is, anyone out there use the hatsan .25 blitz for critters? How effective? What do you shoot?

Thank you much.

As soon as I am allowed to list the 2 Benjamin rifles I have - ( .25 armada and .357bulldog) I will do so and not looking to make a bunch of money, but basically pay for new hatsan and clean out the gun rack a bit! :) (READ: they will go for cheap!)
Most, if not all .25 airguns today will deal with just about any varmints with a well placed shot to the head or vitals. I, personally, would only use my .30 for larger prey like yotes or pigs but that's me. Not familiar with the Blitz but had Hatsans my first couple years into airguns. They always hit like a brick so I assume the Blitz would too, I assume.
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Most, if not all .25 airguns today will deal with just about any varmints with a well placed shot to the head or vitals. I, personally, would only use my .30 for larger prey like yotes or pigs but that's me. Not familiar with the Blitz but had Hatsans my first couple years into airguns. They always hit like a brick so I assume the Blitz would too, I assume.
Yes-- my hatsan .30 blitz does everything I need... ;) I was just curious if anyone had a .25 blitz ..... If you have never tried a blitz, do so if you can! the semi/full auto is to be reckoned with ......not nearly as accurate as for example, my .25 Armada, but with 10 or more rounds down range in the time I can load 1 round in the Armada, well the math does it's self... Thank you for posting!

EDIT -- AND YES- it does hit like a brick as you say :)
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