High velocity air rifles

I've been reading where people with high-velocity air rifles have to go to heavier pellets to get accuracy. My question is why buy a 1000 fps,1200 fps, or even a 1650 fps air rifle instead of an 800 or 900fps rifle and use lighter pellets? What's the advantage of higher fps rifles?

Longer range performance, it's that simple. Whether your goal is long range targets, or more power for hunting, that is where the HP air rifles have the advantage. I'm afraid the growth of HP will hasten more regulation, which could really change the landscape of the sport.

" landscape of the sport. " Shall change Sadly!....it is inevitable!...............Technology will rein supreme!....Air Guns will be equal to .22 powder burner's...........And here come the laws that prohibit....*mark my word!........Enjoy this GREAT Quiet sport guns/mods......for as long as we can because the days are simply numbered........The Mod will be construed as a Silencer and our Mass projectiles with increased velocities and Shall will no longer be shot in your back yard. Today's Semi Auto's are already very nice.

So back to he subject at hand, .....maybe we can convince the New-bees to go less than 1000 FPS w/ 177cal to punch paper. After all this thread is/was why do we need more?...

Answer: Convince them New-bees, we D0-Not Need 1000 fps or more and Quietly ENJOY!

Bear in mind the ballistic coefficient for any pellet varies with velocity. For domed pellets, a muzzle velocity somewhere in the realm of 825 - 925 will yield the optimum BC, which represents a real advantage over a slower-moving pellet, even when the range and holdover are precisely known.

Granted, barrel harmonics have the first say in what speeds are accurate. But in the case where a rifle is producing indistinguishable groups at both 700fps and 850fps at short range, it will almost certainly fare better at 850fps when you stretch the distance.