N/A highly recommended

I have owned this Wildcat for a while now. It's my 3rd Wildcat to include an MK2 compact which I gave to my son, an MK3 sniper I traded off on an Impact MK3 and now this MK3 compact tube version that was recommended by a tech at Utah air guns. I was told for shooting (pellets) the tube version was valved better/ more consistent and since I have the Impact for higher velocity, heavier projectiles it's just what I wanted. The consistency is phenomenal 1st shot to last. The shot count is awesome for a tube gun (54shots) on reg, plenty for a day of woods walking. Accuracy is as good as any gun I've owned, and I have owned a few. I have done 0 tuning on this gun because I don't think I could make it better. Im posting a couple pics to give an example of what this gun is capable of.


