Hill 3000 or GX CS4

I believe the CS4 will fill bottles. It has a 5 hour run time and very high max filling, 5800 psi and allegedly fills up to 6.8L tanks. That's just from googling, Ive been eyeing one as well to replace the YH w water tank setup.
Yeah, that’s where I’m headed too. Don’t have funds for an alkin, or even a coltri, so these pique my interest. It’s tough still though. My heng hasn’t let me down at all, and it fills bottles great. Albeit with an extra filter to help with water, but still.

My biggest pet peeve is setting up the water cooling, and if I just want to quickly fill a gun up, it’s a lot to get going. The cs4 seems to be a little more user friendly, and I could fill a gun fairly quickly without any setup.
Yeah, that’s where I’m headed too. Don’t have funds for an alkin, or even a coltri, so these pique my interest. It’s tough still though. My heng hasn’t let me down at all, and it fills bottles great. Albeit with an extra filter to help with water, but still.

My biggest pet peeve is setting up the water cooling, and if I just want to quickly fill a gun up, it’s a lot to get going. The cs4 seems to be a little more user friendly, and I could fill a gun fairly quickly without any setup.
We face the exact same challenges. A lot of times I leave the pump running to cool the unit and forget about it and it'll run for hours. It's so quiet I dont notice. Or I do shut everything off but forget to refreeze the ice packs 🤦🏽‍♂️ Either way it's always something and the water bucket is a big CON for me.
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For just filling guns I would choose neither. Who knows how long these things will last necessarily? Does the hill have good parts support? 1300-1500 is a lot of money to just fill guns. I’d just get something like the little cs2 which has parts readily available from target forge.
Ive got a Vevor compressor that has about 65 fills on it and it seems to be getting a little slower/louder with each fill now so may not be long for this world.. what I want is something that is going to go 50-100 hrs w/o a major hitch and normal maintenance. Dont want to rebuild every 20-30 hrs.
Really wanting to know about CS4 and the Hill though.
Ive got a Vevor compressor that has about 65 fills on it and it seems to be getting a little slower/louder with each fill now so may not be long for this world.. what I want is something that is going to go 50-100 hrs w/o a major hitch and normal maintenance. Dont want to rebuild every 20-30 hrs.
Really wanting to know about CS4 and the Hill though.
Yeah I think the major factor with these lower end compressors is support and part availability. We know they have a finite life. I cannot comment on the hill in that regard. As long as you can get parts for them it’s probably a great choice. Being the cs4 is new it’s hard to say how many parts are cross over with other models or how long it will take for the availability of non cross over parts to become available. I do know you can get parts for the gx 2 and 3 compressors. I have a 2 which has been good but I’ve only had it a few months.
Late to the game, had a crazy day... Yes, I have both. If I were to do it again, I'd go for the GX CS4. The Hill is slightly faster filling to 300 BAR, if it's an air gun with a cylinder. Air Guns with 580cc tanks can cause the Hill to go intot he run/cool/run cycle if filling from empty.

The GX CS4 will full tanks up to 6.8L and will do it in one session! It will also fill to 400 BAR if you have an airgun like the Huben that taks higher pressure fill.

Then there's price, the CS4 can be had direct from GX Pumps for less than half the current asking price of a Hill.

There is also a discount code that will get you 10% off the CS4: GX10OFF, I don't recall any discounts available for the Hill.

If you have any specific questions on either, feel free to PM me.

Hope this helps!
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Late to the game, had a crazy day... Yes, I have both. If I were to do it again, I'd go for the GX CS4. The Hill is slightly faster filling to 300 BAR, if it's an air gun with a cylinder. Air Guns with 580cc tanks can cause the Hill to go intot he run/cool/run cycle if filling from empty.

The GX CS4 will full tanks up to 6.8L and will do it in one session! It will also fill to 400 BAR if you have an airgun like the Huben that taks higher pressure fill.

Then there's price, the CS4 can be had direct from GX Pumps for less than half the current asking price of a Hill.

There is also a discount code that will get you 10% off the CS4: GX10OFF, I don't recall any discounts available for the Hill.

If you have any specific questions on either, feel free to PM me.

Hope this helps!
Appreciate the info thats what I'm looking for.

I just ordered the CS4 for 603.00 direct from GX . thanks again.
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Which would you choose and why, only filling guns no tanks.. been looking for the GX E CS4 but cant seem to find it in stock anywhere.
AOA has the Hill for 1289 plus sh/tax..CS4 with external inverter is 659.00 so quite a price difference.
If you've had both please list pros/cons, problems etc. thanks in advance.
Best price and fast delivery is Walmart, $639 shipped. Love mine. Get a vibration hours meter to track usage time as you need to turn the grease pot above every 6 hours. Bill and Addi.
Nice. Where did you get it. I was trying to avoid off shore to get faster delivery. Bill and Addi.
A buddy is getting close to buying one, so $609 would save him a bit. Also the cooling system needed to be flushed due to debris. This has been the case with the 3 I have knowledge of. I needed to shake it up pretty good to prime the pump as it didn't pump at first. Also if you get premature shut off, pull the bust disk assembly and clean. Use the supplied 9/16" socket wrench. There is a plunger, spring and ball bearing in there. Not going to fly out. Bill and Addi
I swear the price discriminate based off some made-up algorithms. $629 plus $35 off coupon
