Hill 3000 or GX CS4

I bought a yong heng hardback and it was missing a couple pieces. Had been opened. On a thread where someone was asking for the user manual (mind didn't come with one either) I mentioned needing one and flounder piped in about the cs4. I had seen the cs3 before and passed because of it but this prompted me to do research and rethink. Long story short I returned the yong heng today and ordered a cs4. A little worried about having to troubleshoot the grease pump and not looking forward to the flush procedure (does anyone know how to drain these without using a brake bleeder?) But the heat control, noise difference, higher psi rating (I've been eyeballing a gk1) and lack of a need for the external water bucket and keeping ice sold me on the difference.
You fill the reservoir, "burp" it by turning the pump on and off a few times until the hose coming from the bottom of the reservoir has no air in it. Let it pump about 30 seconds, then tip the compressor into the sink or onto the ground. Tip the compressor such that the front side (with all the switches) is higher than the reservoir so that gravity will drain the radiator. (If you REALLY want to get all the water out, remove the return line from the top of the reservoir {have to push the blue fitting inwards while extracting the hose}, then blow air thru the line while tipping the unit over, so that the air forces all the water out of the bottom of the reservoir.

What do you mean, "troubleshooting the grease pump"? Nothing to troubleshoot, simple give it one turn every 4-6 hours, and refill it when you run out of grease.
A lot of folks having issues with the disk breaking, clogging, or generally not operating as it should. I have zero experience, just going off of what I read and this has been the most common complaint so far. Might be a few bad units or just plain old user error, I don't know. When I see that many issues with the same part, I just expect that I'll probably have to deal woth it at some point. If not, I'll count myself lucky. Either way, think I made the right decision.
You fill the reservoir, "burp" it by turning the pump on and off a few times until the hose coming from the bottom of the reservoir has no air in it. Let it pump about 30 seconds, then tip the compressor into the sink or onto the ground. Tip the compressor such that the front side (with all the switches) is higher than the reservoir so that gravity will drain the radiator. (If you REALLY want to get all the water out, remove the return line from the top of the reservoir {have to push the blue fitting inwards while extracting the hose}, then blow air thru the line while tipping the unit over, so that the air forces all the water out of the bottom of the reservoir.

What do you mean, "troubleshooting the grease pump"? Nothing to troubleshoot, simple give it one turn every 4-6 hours, and refill it when you run out of grease.
Just wanted to update that I got my compressor, had not problems with the process of getting it set up, and am very happy so far. Haven't filled anything to greater than 3500 yet, but it is as described. Very quiet, fast, and cool. Used valvoline zerex for the antifreeze cut to 70% with distilled water and a bit of water wetter. Was able to get the zerex from my local oreileys. The all of the adapters and hoses are available online, but I got some higher rated stuff at house of hose here in Eastern Washington.

Thanks to FL Gunner for talking me out of the YH and into this compressor. Much happier than I would have been at this point. Just the fact that I don't have to worry about setting up a bucket of water and rigging additional cooling to make my compressor functional is enough. The fact that this compressor doesn't sound like a compressor and is quiet is icing on the cake.

Have mine set up with an in line Water oil separator and molecular sieve. Bought a rolling wire rack to organize everything on and mount everything too. Very happy with the setup. Thanks again FLgunner.
Just wanted to update that I got my compressor, had not problems with the process of getting it set up, and am very happy so far. Haven't filled anything to greater than 3500 yet, but it is as described. Very quiet, fast, and cool. Used valvoline zerex for the antifreeze cut to 70% with distilled water and a bit of water wetter. Was able to get the zerex from my local oreileys. The all of the adapters and hoses are available online, but I got some higher rated stuff at house of hose here in Eastern Washington.

Thanks to FL Gunner for talking me out of the YH and into this compressor. Much happier than I would have been at this point. Just the fact that I don't have to worry about setting up a bucket of water and rigging additional cooling to make my compressor functional is enough. The fact that this compressor doesn't sound like a compressor and is quiet is icing on the cake.

Have mine set up with an in line Water oil separator and molecular sieve. Bought a rolling wire rack to organize everything on and mount everything too. Very happy with the setup. Thanks again FLgunner.
70% AF to DW is WAY too strong IMO, unless you are compressing in freezing conditions. AF actually REDUCES the cooling ability of water. 10% would be a better ratio. In fact, I am just using WW @ 2% (5 ml/250 ml).

Not that 70% will hurt anything, especially at these low temps. But I'd REALLY love to know what your coolant temp was after 60 minutes of runtime, if you have a way to measure that for us. Then we can gauge the efficiency of the AF. Just if you have time to do so.
I'm not an engineer. Just went with what the owners manual and others before me suggested.
The owner's manual doesn't stipulate any % of AF to water ratio, it just says "pure water or antifreeze". The thing about AF is that the more you use, the less cooling you will have. A little bit will help with anti-corrosion and anti-bacterial properties. A lot will do the same thing, but will reduce cooling somewhat. Again, probably not a LOT given the low temps we generate. Just throwing it out there.

The owner's manual doesn't stipulate any % of AF to water ratio, it just says "pure water or antifreeze". The thing about AF is that the more you use, the less cooling you will have. A little bit will help with anti-corrosion and anti-bacterial properties. A lot will do the same thing, but will reduce cooling somewhat. Again, probably not a LOT given the low temps we generate. Just throwing it out there.

You are correct. They do not say it in the owners manual, but they do say it in the GX official website, not (because I can feel you wanting to fact check me here) explicitly as a directive to do it that way, but pointing it out when describing the setup and mentioning the exact antifreeze (zerex g48). I've seen more than one person who is vastly more experienced than I with PCP compressors using this same setup.

I'm all for creative inquiry and experimentation using logic and deductive reasoning. I am also, while not an engineer, a certified amateur tinkerer. As a baseline, however, I always try to utilize the experience of those more experienced than I before I start trying to "improve" the formula.

I am not criticizing you nor am I doubting the soudness of your base of reasoning. I also, know, however, that the quality of outcomes based on reasoning is limited by the information one has. I have not, nor do I possess the requisite knowledge to doubt the setup of those closely tied and vested I this machine. Like I said, I didn't even realize the difference in the CS4 from the CS3 until FLgunner pointed me in that direction. I ahd already bought, and subsequently returned, a hardcover YH. My choices and outcomes were again limited to the information I was aware of. (I am not an engineer, but I do have degrees in philosophy)

I am also not qualified to debate the merits of running a 2% solution of water wetter and distilled water vs the setup I described. I'm also not motivated to do the research that would be required to determine which one is "better," and to what degree. I'm sure it would be useful information, but I imagine the the rate of return for my time investment wouldn't be worth it to me personally.

I do appreciate the discourse and exchange of ideas. This is also not my thread and I fear we may have officially hijacked it, for which, OP, I apologize. Just wanted to acknowledge that I did in fact go with this model, and am happy with the decision over the YH. I also wanted to acknowledge FLGunner for his recommend, as again, this model of GX was not on my radar yet. If you do end up testing and post your results between the different coolant solutions, I'd enjoy reading them. Privately message me if you do with the link. I think yong heng hotrod made something to test the temps, but I could be mistaken. Just thought I remember running across it when I was doing research on these compressors.
You are correct. They do not say it in the owners manual, but they do say it in the GX official website, not (because I can feel you wanting to fact check me here) explicitly as a directive to do it that way, but pointing it out when describing the setup and mentioning the exact antifreeze (zerex g48). I've seen more than one person who is vastly more experienced than I with PCP compressors using this same setup.

I'm all for creative inquiry and experimentation using logic and deductive reasoning. I am also, while not an engineer, a certified amateur tinkerer. As a baseline, however, I always try to utilize the experience of those more experienced than I before I start trying to "improve" the formula.

I am not criticizing you nor am I doubting the soudness of your base of reasoning. I also, know, however, that the quality of outcomes based on reasoning is limited by the information one has. I have not, nor do I possess the requisite knowledge to doubt the setup of those closely tied and vested I this machine. Like I said, I didn't even realize the difference in the CS4 from the CS3 until FLgunner pointed me in that direction. I ahd already bought, and subsequently returned, a hardcover YH. My choices and outcomes were again limited to the information I was aware of. (I am not an engineer, but I do have degrees in philosophy)

I am also not qualified to debate the merits of running a 2% solution of water wetter and distilled water vs the setup I described. I'm also not motivated to do the research that would be required to determine which one is "better," and to what degree. I'm sure it would be useful information, but I imagine the the rate of return for my time investment wouldn't be worth it to me personally.

I do appreciate the discourse and exchange of ideas. This is also not my thread and I fear we may have officially hijacked it, for which, OP, I apologize. Just wanted to acknowledge that I did in fact go with this model, and am happy with the decision over the YH. I also wanted to acknowledge FLGunner for his recommend, as again, this model of GX was not on my radar yet. If you do end up testing and post your results between the different coolant solutions, I'd enjoy reading them. Privately message me if you do with the link. I think yong heng hotrod made something to test the temps, but I could be mistaken. Just thought I remember running across it when I was doing research on these compressors.
First of all, I am sorry if I sounded like I was saying you were doing anything wrong, because you are not. I often suffer from not typing things the way they sound in my head. Was not trying to dissuade you nor disparage others' advice, only trying to present facts.

While I have not played with various percentages of AF in the CS4 (as I mentioned, I doubt it will make much difference in our units because they run SO cool), here is my setup: https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/2024-cs4-setup.1307075/

If I ever do get around to playing with different coolant, which I doubt, I'll post it up there. Honestly though, I doubt we'd see more than a 3-5° difference between DW and 100% PG/EG in our little systems.

Also, my responses about AF have nothing to do with our compressor, nor the PCP hobby in general, just years of dealing with PG & EG in autos and homes. Your setup will be just fine, I am sure. I'd rather have too much anti-corrosion protection vs. not enough.

Enjoy! I think you made a great decision on the CS4 over the YH. And not just because I made the same decision, lol.
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