Hill mk4 hand pump converted to hand booster pump

Way to think outside of the box !
Thank you so much! I filled a benjamin marauder .22 caliber from 1900 psi to 3000 psi in like 13 pumps with it boosted and that's only a 8 gallon 4 scfm compressor. At my grandma's where I hunt where my other shop is I have a way bigger shop compressor it's a craftsman 80 gallon 11.5 scfm I'm very curious to see how much faster the hill pump fills with it hooked up to it it's no different from a shoebox or any other booster more scfm and bigger shop compressor the faster it will fill. I appreciate you watching!
So the booster pump concept is to basically add pressure from a compressor to the low side input of a high pressure pump? That's a pretty good idea for converting a hand pump right there. Thanks for sharing this and taking the time to make a video.
Yes your correct and I appreciate you watching my video.
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Been reading gold posts again eh? Lot's to learn from the older day's in airguns. The math on 13 strokes maybe be a bit off but.
Just wait until you find one where folks used Helium for the boost! Now there is a power mod you could do.

Might have to try the helium my xp airguns .40cal badger is built to handle helium
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Looks like fun and a some heavy pumping. Yes, on the less expensive Chinese pumps you can plumb the intake where the handle bolts to the top of the pump. I believe https://www.airgunnation.com/members/blackice.15206/ used a hill pump with his his electric motor powered pump. Back then after making a air powered copy of blackice's single powered force induction hand pump, I tried to do one better by using a small regulator on pneumatic powered cheap chinese pump and did 2 at the same time, then dared to go to as high as 60 psi pumping the dual unit. But much higher than 40 psi the seals start to leak and melt with repeated use. Before I tried to go to 3 pumps, I stop using the pneumatic pump and stared shooting my version of ELR that's when I found a bauer pump.

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Looks like fun and a some heavy pumping. Yes, on the less expensive Chinese pumps you can plumb the intake where the handle bolts to the top of the pump. I believe https://www.airgunnation.com/members/blackice.15206/ used a hill pump with his his electric motor powered pump. Back then after making a air powered copy of blackice's single powered force induction hand pump, I tried to do one better by using a small regulator on pneumatic powered cheap chinese pump and did 2 at the same time, then dared to go to as high as 60 psi pumping the dual unit. But much higher than 40 psi the seals start to leak and melt with repeated use. Before I tried to go to 3 pumps, I stop using the pneumatic pump and stared shooting my version of ELR that's when I found a bauer pump.

Cool I got a tuxing double cylinder and 2 tanks but I like doing this for fun
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very interesting and something most people could imitate !! but in the video i saw your feet moving on every pump ? what's with the dance ? when i pump both feet are holding the base of the pump .
When you hook up the shop compressor and feed it air the more psi on the low side the harder it is too pump but it fills way faster and doesn't take near as many pumps
The overall effort / energy / work output is the same, if the amount of pumps is less, the effort required per pump is more, frankly I'd much prefer 100 much easier pumps than 30 much harder pumps.

Definitely will accelerate wear on any o-rings, also accelerate wear on your back/discs and who knows what else with the added effort. Hand pumps are not ergonomic, they are too low too the ground for most people (I have to hunch over and I only bend with my knees to pump). They aren't good exercise unless you're 5'6" and even then at higher pressures the strain you're required to apply does not conform with any standard exercise formats....

I haven't used my hand pump a single time since I got a compressor, I am not lazy I just hate the motions, they're 100% awkward and not something you'll see at any gym.

And filling a plastic housing filled with a lot of tiny fragments that could penetrate skin if accelerated fast enough does make my butthole pucker a little...what if one of the passages from stage 1 to stage 2 clogs and all of a sudden with each pump you're purely only compressing more and more into the first stage? Pop goes the Weezle.

Thinking (probably a bit too much ) about this makes me wonder how much harder this would make to pump the hand pump ?
Not using real numbers , lets say ambient air is 0 / first stage will compress that to (say ) 2 pound pressure . second stage increases to
4 pounds and then third stage to 6 pounds pressure into the gun . ( i have no idea what the real numbers are ) Now with the compressor feeding the hand pump @ 120 pounds ? that would make 240 /420 /840 in this example .
Also i have no idea what a shop compressor's normal output is. correct me if i have the wrong theory .
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Thinking (probably a bit too much ) about this makes me wonder how much harder this would make to pump the hand pump ?
Not using real numbers , lets say ambient air is 0 / first stage will compress that to (say ) 2 pound pressure . second stage increases to
4 pounds and then third stage to 6 pounds pressure into the gun . ( i have no idea what the real numbers are ) Now with the compressor feeding the hand pump @ 120 pounds ? that would make 240 /420 /840 in this example .
Also i have no idea what a shop compressor's normal output is. correct me if i have the wrong theory .
I appreciate the concern from everybody but I've did a lot of research on this before trying it severals guys on the forum have boosted benjamin hand pumps and hill hand pumps and some other brand ones with no issues the way it works regularly without a shop compressor hooked is drawing in air from the atmosphere which is 14.7 psi. I'm 100% sure 20-40 psi isn't gonna make that desiccant filter explode. But I really do appreciate your concern and also the higher you boost it on the input psi wise the harder it is to pump if you boost only like 15-20 psi it's pretty easy to pump
I have to advise caution with this booster set up. The dessicant housing may not be designed to handle pressure. Pressurizing same could result in the housing failure that could send fragments throughout your garage at high velosity.
The shop compressor I'm only running it on the input 40 psi max I don't even really get near that I'm 100% sure it will handle the pressure. But I do appreciate everybody concerns lots of good people on the forum that care about each other.
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I appreciate the concern from everybody but I've did a lot of research on this before trying it severals guys on the forum have boosted benjamin hand pumps and hill hand pumps and some other brand ones with no issues the way it works regularly without a shop compressor hooked is drawing in air from the atmosphere which is 14.7 psi. I'm 100% sure 20-40 psi isn't gonna make that desiccant filter explode. But I really do appreciate your concern and also the higher you boost it on the input psi wise the harder it is to pump if you boost only like 15-20 psi it's pretty easy to pump
ok Thanks , i was way off in pressures
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I have to advise caution with this booster set up. The dessicant housing may not be designed to handle pressure. Pressurizing same could result in the housing failure that could send fragments throughout your garage at high velosity.
I'll do a Google search and see what the dessicant housing can handle just to make sure. The housing does feel and look pretty thick and strong so I really believe it will be fine but rather be safe than sorry.