Dave, that was some INTENSE hunting trip! Cool!
Too bad I missed it while it was going on. Neat idea of reporting and posting
during the trip!
@JungleShooter Glad you joined and got caught up. The most intense moment was when I was awakened by a coyote that was barking and calling close enough to my tent to give me goosebumps and make me reach for my gun. I literally laid in wait on the cold tent floor, prone, fresh out of a deep sleep, and in my pajamas and thermals in twenty-some-odd degree weather anticipating an approaching yote when I had no line of sight on it. That was nerve racking.
I know this sort of thread isn’t for everyone. I belive that a lot of visitors and members want to see kill shots, as do I, but I also like to share real experiences, good or bad. Honestly I think many folks venturing outdoors, new and veterans, make mistakes, more than they care to admit sometimes. This sort of hunting experience is good for several reasons. I can see my deficiencies and work on them. I also really like the idea of showing or discussing gear. I got the chance to put some different gear to work and tried a few ideas for configurations I’d been playing with. Discussing gear is also beneficial so that others can see how items hold up on real world situations. They may also see that things don’t always play out like they do on YouTube regardless of what you have or you’re using. The a few pieces of equipment I really enjoyed and felt that my money was well spent was on my hog light, tent, sleeping bag, and hatchet. I also identified deficiencies l and limitations in some of my gear as well. That’s great information for me to work with.