Hogkillers boring adventure 9.8.23

Well, first the good, it was a good day to go shooting those pesky ground squirrels, sunny and very mild breeze.

Now the bad....I'm moderately certain that in order to shoot something that something must be present to shoot. Got there, got setup and saw one, at 51 yards and...missed. Fudge, the other I saw out at 70 yards must have other things to do and left. There wasn't any activity, ANYWHERE. A gal came through the gate, I chatted with her she's the 'director of public relations' or some such, BUT on the bright side there is a stable that has a rodent issue, ok I like to kill rodents, continue, anyway she's going to get hold of the gal and then get back to me so.....I may have a new permission, I guess I'll have to work on my people skills.

Went around the corner of the building and there was one rodent in and out, really skittish, so got set up and waited, it finally came out and....SLAP, one each 22gr RMR slug gone, ditto for the rodent. 25 yards


First time I've used my tripod standing

So, all in all, the day wasn't a total waste, and the buzzards got a snack.
seed the area with bait ?
Yeah, we've been talking about that, the little pests love peanuts, but the people that live there need to put them out away from the house and .... keep the damn dogs in when I'm there. They need to put some out every day in the AM for a week, to get the rodents use to going out then and then I can rain death upon their little furry bodies.
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Well, we're heading into cooler weather here in wonderful...said nobody ever...our ground squirrels are FAT, like it's going to be a bad winter. That said, I've inquired again about The Barn permission, hopefully the lady is over her Fauci Flu. The weather here is suppose to be nice and warm the end of the week so Fri going out and see what needs to die.. Anybody have any idea as to the temp the pesky rodents come out at? I'm thinking 70ª.
Went out Friday with my faithful retriever Pete, cool and overcast with a slight breeze, of course nary a rodent to be seen, it got a touch sunnier and warmer, still nothing, we hung around me knocking over a reactive target and Pete setting it back up. If my wild guess is right there are 10 or so ground squirrels left in the area we shoot. Over the years I've gotten about 50 with my A17, 18 the first outing, and my Mavericks. I'm calling it quits there until next spring. Still hoping The Barn happens, shall see.