Holding out on a 'Want'...

I don't know Rob, you seem to have hit on the exact wishy-washy-ness that makes this such an addictive hobby. Even ugly guns become beautiful the more you look at them. I saw a couple posts about an SLR 98 and flashed back to a time that I chased one, found it, let it get away and then they were not to be had.

Airgunitis is a time capsule & you my friend are the pilot!
Let us know yaaa or naaay...
Great replies, folks... truth is, despite being in this game for a long time, I never considered the point of 'just buy it and if you dont like it, sell it' When I buy, selling is the furthest thing from my mind.

I keep going back to the same logic others have said regarding 'already having too many guns' (I know...is there such a thing?) but truth told, this gun would do nothing that my others currently do, other than scratch a (hopefully temporary) itch.

I'll likely piss and moan over it and go back to look until someone else buys it and then it'll be out of my head but was just wondering how the rest of you addicts deal with these types of situations.

Regarding the CFO, I guess I'm lucky there. Her advice to me would be the same as my advice to her in such situations 'Just get it...that's why we work and bust our asses'. :ROFLMAO:
Rob just get it so I can get one of your FX’s down the road. 😜
I'm holding out on all kinds of wants right now. Some are even wants to sell - mainly because I don't have the time at the moment to put up an ad, answer questions and then ultimately deal with running to the shipping place. I'm not sure the best way to deal with it either. Part of the problem is that I'm limited in my other major hobby (dirt bikes) so I've been letting myself get distracted by this secondary/tertiary/whatever level hobby. :rolleyes:

There's a want of the experience or just being fascinated that is probably hardest for me to deal with. I want to try the Huben pistol and some higher caliber PCPs. I have zero use for them though. The only place I could shoot large caliber PCPs would be at a range. I'm not even sure our airgun range allows high caliber PCPs so then I'd be on a powder burner range (same basic area at least). Part of the appeal of airguns is how quiet they are too, so being on the PB range and with a louder PCP would kind of defeat that purpose anyway. If I'm going to a PB range, why not just shoot PBs? I don't need those airguns... but I WANT them! Do we need an airgun exchange program? :ROFLMAO:

I have space to shoot lower power airguns so the three .177 PCPs that I have are almost ideal. I probably 'need' to switch some (four) of my .22 size pellet slingers into .177 size and turn down the power to suit where I can shoot. Why does that not seem as satisfying?
Someone finally put me out of my misery on it as I just checked and the gun is marked SPF... whew. (and 'damn' at the same time) Was a passing want anyway, but sure was pretty.
The airgun exchange program mentioned by the last poster here is an idea that me and a few others on a different forum long ago did. Despite living in different parts of the country, we'd ship out a gun to each other just to let them keep it for a few months and then ship it back or ship to another in our small group. Was a great way to check out some guns that we really wouldnt have had a chance to try out otherwise. These days, shipping is too steep for such playing around.
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I don't know Rob, you seem to have hit on the exact wishy-washy-ness that makes this such an addictive hobby. Even ugly guns become beautiful the more you look at them. I saw a couple posts about an SLR 98 and flashed back to a time that I chased one, found it, let it get away and then they were not to be had.

Airgunitis is a time capsule & you my friend are the pilot!
Let us know yaaa or naaay...
SLR caught my eye back in the day as well, but never had the opportunity to own one.... or rather never TOOK the opportunity to own one. I saw a few for sale before prices went through the roof 'if' you could find one at all and I didnt jump. Another that got away. My dream SLR was a carbine .177... as if a regular SLR wasnt hard enough to find.
Someone finally put me out of my misery on it as I just checked and the gun is marked SPF... whew. (and 'damn' at the same time) Was a passing want anyway, but sure was pretty.
The airgun exchange program mentioned by the last poster here is an idea that me and a few others on a different forum long ago did. Despite living in different parts of the country, we'd ship out a gun to each other just to let them keep it for a few months and then ship it back or ship to another in our small group. Was a great way to check out some guns that we really wouldnt have had a chance to try out otherwise. These days, shipping is too steep for such playing around.
😟😟😟😟I don’t even let me borrow my guns
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Look at the ones you like , do a lot research about It , see if that one is the best for what you need. Start shoot pellets , in my opinion.25 or .30 . no buy not cheap , safe the money and buy something for $ 1,500 or better. that way you have something good , buy once cry once . FX crown is a excellent Joyce for start . I love my Crown in .25
Look at the ones you like , do a lot research about It , see if that one is the best for what you need. Start shoot pellets , in my opinion.25 or .30 . no buy not cheap , safe the money and buy something for $ 1,500 or better. that way you have something good , buy once cry once . FX crown is an excellent Joyce for start . I love my Crown in .25
What he said :)
Look at the ones you like , do a lot research about It , see if that one is the best for what you need. Start shoot pellets , in my opinion.25 or .30 . no buy not cheap , safe the money and buy something for $ 1,500 or better. that way you have something good , buy once cry once . FX crown is a excellent Joyce for start . I love my Crown in .25
I get all that. Not a newbie here. In fact, I'm on the downswing of the addiction. I've had hundreds of airguns over the years and at several times was around 130 or so at a given time. I think now I'm down to maybe 40 or so. Been selling quite a bit and have been selective about what I get these days...somewhat.
That was exactly my dilemma with this particular gun I first referenced. I just liked the way it looked. That was it. I'm sure it would do nothing that my other guns already do and likely wouldnt do it better, it was just shiny and pretty looking.

As for your suggestion of a Crown... touche! This was my last FX procurement.
I get all that. Not a newbie here. In fact, I'm on the downswing of the addiction. I've had hundreds of airguns over the years and at several times was around 130 or so at a given time. I think now I'm down to maybe 40 or so. Been selling quite a bit and have been selective about what I get these days...somewhat.
That was exactly my dilemma with this particular gun I first referenced. I just liked the way it looked. That was it. I'm sure it would do nothing that my other guns already do and likely wouldnt do it better, it was just shiny and pretty looking.

As for your suggestion of a Crown... touche! This was my last FX procurement.
View attachment 445146
😳thought I was obsessed lol.
I get all that. Not a newbie here. In fact, I'm on the downswing of the addiction. I've had hundreds of airguns over the years and at several times was around 130 or so at a given time. I think now I'm down to maybe 40 or so. Been selling quite a bit and have been selective about what I get these days...somewhat.
That was exactly my dilemma with this particular gun I first referenced. I just liked the way it looked. That was it. I'm sure it would do nothing that my other guns already do and likely wouldnt do it better, it was just shiny and pretty looking.

As for your suggestion of a Crown... touche! This was my last FX procurement.
View attachment 445146
I get all that. Not a newbie here. In fact, I'm on the downswing of the addiction. I've had hundreds of airguns over the years and at several times was around 130 or so at a given time. I think now I'm down to maybe 40 or so. Been selling quite a bit and have been selective about what I get these days...somewhat.
That was exactly my dilemma with this particular gun I first referenced. I just liked the way it looked. That was it. I'm sure it would do nothing that my other guns already do and likely wouldnt do it better, it was just shiny and pretty looking.

As for your suggestion of a Crown... touche! This was my last FX procurement.
View attachment 445146
Beautiful Rifle .
I get all that. Not a newbie here. In fact, I'm on the downswing of the addiction. I've had hundreds of airguns over the years and at several times was around 130 or so at a given time. I think now I'm down to maybe 40 or so. Been selling quite a bit and have been selective about what I get these days...somewhat.
That was exactly my dilemma with this particular gun I first referenced. I just liked the way it looked. That was it. I'm sure it would do nothing that my other guns already do and likely wouldnt do it better, it was just shiny and pretty looking.

As for your suggestion of a Crown... touche! This was my last FX procurement.
View attachment 445146
Oh dang so now we do have one up for moving out. Lol
My bucket list. Still a couple rifles on it, but as always hinges on whether the stars align aka said rifle appears when I have enough money in the gun fund to actually attempt buying it.
Only 2 left on the list, Both UK built Webley springers in a Tomahawk and a Longbow, both in .22.
The long ago redhead? Took me 33 years and now 2 ex wives to find her, but find her I finally did and we've been together 6 years now.
Bonus? She enables my addiction and has even bought me a couple rifles :)
To be honest most listing are to high in price. This keeps me from having this problem. I am a good shopper and even better at getting a deal on a new item. I can not tell the amount of times I have found a new item but dont need it to be new and sent the new item price to a used seller asking more. Trying to get them to cut a deal that saves me money and well gets it sold for them. Oh heck no. I have been told I am a computer hacker and I made the fake ad and other things even worst. From members. So honestly to avoid this just stay out of the for sale section. Most likely you can get it new for cheaper. People tend to hold on to what they paid back when it was the hot item. They forget it was a decade ago.