To give less gravitational drop, you need a force acting in the vertical direction for a significant amount of time, or a significant reduction in flight time. On a spinning body you only have the body itself which can produce significant side or vertical forces, everything else is spinning around with it. A grossly gyroscopically overstable body can give lift and reduce the gravity drop, but in doing so produces other undesirable forces and moments, mainly from horrendous cross wind effects. Anything giving lift forces on the front risks increasing projectile yaw angles which will nutate and precess round, risking large spirals. It was tried when canards were put on the front of shells to try to guide them in flight, it doesn't work as the canards sit on the centre of pressure. Yes the shell body was at a large yaw angle producing body lift in the direction you want, but to hold it at an angle, because they were on the nose, the canards had to produce an equal force in the opposite direction giving zero net lift. What you did get was horrendous Magnus forces in random directions, giving unpredictable changes in trajectory.
As for reducing flight time, it has been tried by putting propellors on the back of spinning shells, but the propeller itself produces drag and also massively increases spin damping which will make the projectile become unstable and give very little reduction in forward velocity loss. Helical vanes, fletching etc. will be less efficient than propellors and thus worse.