And I did the calculation of joules for the gun. 12 cubic inches is equal to 0.197 liters. Times 16 bar X 450 is 1415.84 joules. Is that a lot of energy? I don't know.1415.8423296
So people seem to be saying that 1 gram of tnt produces 4184 joules of energy. Well then my gun contains the equivalent of 0.33839 grams of tnt when pressurized to 230 psi. An average shot I take is at 110 psi.
Not too much, isn't it?

And I would stop right here for now if I were you. Its tempting to proceed further to higher pressures, bigger volumes and harder matherials, and without a sufficient knowledge of matherials and physics you innevitebly would hit a point where energy is enough to get your limbs flying accross the backyard.
It would be better to obtain inexpensive air gun from a known manufacturer, lots of good and inexpensive options were already proposed to you above. And to study how it works. To see how it was engineered, figure out what is good and why, what is not so good thought in its construction and why. There is enough freely accessible info on the internet on that subject on the for the start. My two cents, best of luck to you