Homebrew FX Chrony display

hola, me presento por aqui, e estado siguiendo este foro y tengo que decir que sois los mejores y lo que no a conseguido nadie , enhorabuena por todo y a todos los que han colalaborado en estos proyectos, e programado 4 dispositivos de todos los que se exponen aqui y todos funcionan de maravilla solo el ultimo que acabo de programar y que me llama mas la atencion es la pantalla t5 liligo que va en el mismo chrony que no la e probado, pero por lo demas una maravilla , solo una pregunta ; como se genera el tiro falso para ver en la pantalla el resultado sin tener que disparar? un saludo...
Hum..... Arduino got updated and I cannot find my TTGO board name .... just got a new batch of pellets wanted to upload ...
Anybody can help with e-paper display?
You can select "esp32 dev module" board name on Arduino and this wil work for lilygo t5.
One question for you, how you did a fake shot for this module? you can share the code for this?

thanks all guys and special for @DaystateRebel , @fe7565 for this great job.
A contribution to reduce the battery consumption of the esp32 modules, you can select the clock frequency to "80Mhz(wifi)" option in the Arduino tools menu when compiling, this will reduce the screen refresh rate and the speed of response but insignificant for the purpose of this sketch and your battery life will be extended considerably. Also some code to reduce the brightness of backlit screens will help.
Thanks again guys.
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The refresh rate on my e-paper screen is afordable when shooting. The only annoying is when changing the presets for the gun and amo, that needs about 4-5 seconds buffer between pushing buttons.
I don't worry for battery, I repurchased one of my old travel packs probably ten years old 15K mA, that's is what I use for both the radar and tablet when shooting BR.
Exactly one year ago I ran into this thread, a new winter is here, any new hacks we can do?
I like mine display. This how mounted on my L2.


I have couple of liners and barrels, and I made the gun profiles in a way that the display will show which liner/twist rate was that in my testings different amo.

Radar - gun profiles.JPG

Radar - amo profiles.JPG

I have tested tons of pellets and slugs, and eliminated all from the list that I am not confident buying again.
Hey, guys... For me everything works fine, but I recommended this to a friend of mine. Problem is he has FX Radar Pocket Chronograph V2 (smaller version). Most probably he needs new connection/services strings. Have anyone here successfully connect to V2 FX Radar? Of course he made sure the phone was not connected (Bluetooth turned off).
hey did you found a solution by any change
As much I can see all these projects were finished - and abandoned about early spring 2023, all people left on their own way.
I had a problem as well, wanted to do some updates in projectile libraries and was not really careful... I let the arduino updated some thingies and toke me several nights/days to bring my screen back as it was working earlier... that was really scary :)
Slim chance somebody from coders will chime in.
As much I can see all these projects were finished - and abandoned about early spring 2023, all people left on their own way.
I had a problem as well, wanted to do some updates in projectile libraries and was not really careful... I let the arduino updated some thingies and toke me several nights/days to bring my screen back as it was working earlier... that was really scary :)
Slim chance somebody from coders will chime in.
I still use my original version from then and havent touched it lol.