How Can I Improve My Scoping Skills and Set My Scope Correctly for 50, 80, and 100 Yards?"

Adjusting the scope is not something I would do with my $~200 scopes. They adjust but sometimes seem to take a few shots to settle down after adjustment. My Arken I can click. So to me it depends some on how much you can trust your scope to do exactly what you tell it to. My less expensive scopes I can hold off or do a brief sight in for new ranges.
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You need a Dope card and a data book. When you go shooting take these with you and update it and learn what your rifle is doing.

Data On Previous Engagement <---- write down EVERY shot and every condition. The more you are able to document what you are shooting in and what is happening, the easier it will be to know what to dial for, or where to hold on your scope.

A ballistics program will help you understand the relationship between your optic and the rifle. You can play with velocities and different weights and then see what happens.
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