How do I make a backyard friendly pellet stop.

I am wanting to shoot my air guns more in my back yard but I live in a fairly populated area. How can I make a backstop or pellet trap that won’t make a ton of noise and be able to stop my pellets completely. I would just shoot metal targets but I feel like the pinging of the pellets hitting the metal every few days would become annoying for the neighbors.
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My target is simple and free. I also live in a city. I use an empty box, roughly 14" x 12" x 12" and stuff it with old clothes. It stops my .177 and .22 pellets very effectively and is very quiet. Once the face gets shot up, I tape it up with duct tape so that pellets don't start falling out in my yard.
I forgot this one i made like tcarlson77 i stuff it with old folded clothes in the bucket part ..


Also another illustration i had
I have two "walls" that I built near the edge of my property in different locations that are basically short sections of solid fence made out of 4x6 lumber. One is about 4' by 4' and the other is about 4' by 6' wide. These are "safety" backstops for anything that ever misses the traps or targets, should a gun malfunction or misfire or if somebody else is shooting and does not do well (my shots never miss the traps, even if off the ideal POA).

Then I use different traps or targets in from on them. Some are spinners mounted in wood boxes (with sacrificial wood panels to capture misses and splatter) and some are quieter traps that I set out when I want to use them.

I feel that we have to plan for misses as well as the hits . . . .
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My target is simple and free. I also live in a city. I use an empty box, roughly 14" x 12" x 12" and stuff it with old clothes. It stops my .177 and .22 pellets very effectively and is very quiet. Once the face gets shot up, I tape it up with duct tape so that pellets don't start falling out in my yard.
Stummbled on this and thought of your post

This looks nice and gives adaquit backstop area.

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I am wanting to shoot my air guns more in my back yard but I live in a fairly populated area. How can I make a backstop or pellet trap that won’t make a ton of noise and be able to stop my pellets completely. I would just shoot metal targets but I feel like the pinging of the pellets hitting the metal every few days would become annoying for the neighbors.
Feed the grey squirrels? 😎
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Get a plastic tote and fill it with rubber mulch purchased from Home Dump. Tape the lid shut. Shoot away.
This is a good option. I’ve caught 22LR in one of these. But I’d add a plate in the back just in case of a pass thru.

I’ve also had a really good trap I made using 1/2” thick polyethylene (a heavy duty cutting board could work) in a shallow wooden frame and packed with 1” of duct seal.

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Get a plastic tote and fill it with rubber mulch purchased from Home Dump. Tape the lid shut. Shoot away.
I do something similar. 5 gallon bucket filled with the rubber mulch. Cut the lid open to the sixe of your target. You can use cut up cardboard for a target backer and they can be clamped down by the bucket lid. Replace when shot out. When the bucket gets heavy, dump it out and refill.
I built a 3 sided box from landscape timbers and then filled it with fill dirt that worked great for me it was 4 foot wide and 4 deep and 4 foot height.
Ya, he says in a popluated area so id think somthing with wider, taller backstop area would be best overall if any houses maybe in any line of fire or wild flyer/ ricochet.. a oops and sued aint no
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I agree in a suburban area a larger backstop, a friend in IL built a 7 foot tall 7 foot wide flower vines trellis and put 3/4 inch ply on the back . looks nice and stops <12 fpe pellets , he does set out the mulch/tub targets in front as targets .

4x8 sheet of plywood on the back , a bench to sit on ,also to place the tub full of mulch targets on . looks good in the back yard .
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In one of my older target boxes, I used mud flaps cut on a band saw, with an air gap to aluminum plate (old sign of some sort). The flaps not only dramatically slowed down the pellets, they lasted about forever. It's important to cut them, so they dissipate the impact energy by moving slightly. I think a solid mud flap might actually cause a ricochet. I got this idea from the old yellow forum. I would have kept using this box, but even with a few coats of paint, the OSB board swelled and fell apart after a winter.

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I am wanting to shoot my air guns more in my back yard but I live in a fairly populated area. How can I make a backstop or pellet trap that won’t make a ton of noise and be able to stop my pellets completely. I would just shoot metal targets but I feel like the pinging of the pellets hitting the metal every few days would become annoying for the neighbors.
A long time ago, folks used to buy those cheap toilet wax rings, melt them down and pour them into a cardboard box. Makes a nice soft, yet quiet trap for pellets. Also it's reusable. Just melt it down, remove the lead and you're good to go.
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