View attachment 333889View attachment 333890View attachment 333891View attachment 333892 just tossing this out there to spur up ideas. I own two types of steel traps that utilize duct seal. One is a NEMA 10 x 10 electrical pull box with a 1/4” plate face frame to further protect the electrical box from 30 cal Ammo, then I went over to a full 1/4” plate box that weighs close to 60 lbs when stuffed with 7 lbs of duct seal. That is used mainly now for chronograph work inside the garage at 3’ shoot distances.
For actual target shooting I resorted to the rubber mulch buckets and so far they’ve worked out the best as it checks the boxes on best portability, weather safe, and easier to clean out the shot up lesd. Ive made 5 of these so at anytime one gets shot up and full I can just grab another, or as of late I’m using one at 50 yards and one at a hundred
View attachment 333895View attachment 333897View attachment 333898 I got away from using magnets to hold the targets as that got expensive to replace after awhile and now use nylon alligator clips