How do you challenge you?

Yesterday, I shot 3 different springers at a set of AV Crazy Eights. A perfect score is 9 shots. One to reset.
For this challenge to be perfect would be 27 shots from three different springers at 75 yards from the bench. It is a doable challenge. The paddles are 1 3/4", but only if these crazy winds laid down. 😁

The HW95n was the winner at 9/14, but it took two hits to release the bottom eight. I am going to add small o rings to the retainer bar to allow it to release easier..
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100 Yards, soda can, off hand with a springer. I think standing and shooting offhand is a real test of skill. Iron sights !
lol beyond 50yards I probably wouldn’t even hit a 68oz soda bottle off hand. At least I wouldn’t think I would, I suck off hand standing and don’t even try more than 20yards (where 1-1.5 inch groups is the best I can do).
I find it easy to split my personality when competing with myself, me and him. He I am against. Usually 5 shots each,.back and forth. That is it, ADD is a challenge in:p itself.
That sounds like something from a Stephen King story. As for me I enjoy splitting cards at 10 meters and hitting paintballs at 30, both with a break barrel.

Rick H.
I use a 10 Meter Air Rifle competition target (AR 5/10) indoors at 20 yards.

I use a 0.177 approved plug and score "Best Edge" × "Worst Edge".

If the shot lands dead center on the dot, the plug will not touch the 9 ring and is scored 10×10 for 100 points.

If the plug covers the 10 dot and touches the 9 ring, the hit is scored 10×9 for 90 points.

If the plug breaks the 9 ring and is still touching the 10 dot, the hit is scored 10×8 for 80 points, if the plug is not touching the 10 dot the hit is scored 9×8 for 72 points.

Using the normal Best Edge scoring, my scores made me think I was one stud of a Marksman, but using Best Edge×Worst Edge proved that wrong.