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How does blocking new members from participating help Airgun Nation?

Lots of negative comments but no one expained a benefit? It is unfortunate that so many people react negatively but no can answer a simple question.

What is the benefit?

I am old enough to respect different opinions but I questions all lose lose situation. I placed my first ad today to see if it worked .

Be happy!
A simple explanation is many new accounts are often just bots and not people at all. The requirements keep them out of the classifieds and my inbox. I am glad for that.
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New Dollar store opened about a mile away, perfect for quick bike ride to get supplies, fast self-serve checkout, too. Well, scammers and cheats ruined that, robbed place blind, crowding around self-service, scanning every third item. Now long lines waiting on sole cashier for check-out. Scumbag scammers and cheats ruin it for everybody! WM
I think a new rule is in order. If you make a post contesting the rules, your account should be removed and be banned. These people are the type that allow their children to run the show because they want to be their friend instead of their parent. Just look where that's got us today in this "Great Society".
You know what I can’t wait for? When the OP truly has a need for a pcp leak, a gun tune, or ammo question. Curious to see all the help he gets after his first impressions.
I’ve seen it many times before, people come join on here, sticking their chests out, always wanting to be the first in line, that type. They don’t last long, within a couple of months they fizzle out and no one hears from or about them anymore.
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The continual focus on ME ME ME, instead of the collective, demonstrates that you feel a sense of entitlement.
That is perfectly fine, we just want to know about it ahead of time.

Go down to the nearest Catholic church and ask them why you do not get to wear a miter.
Go ask a Hells Angel why you can't have a patch like his.

It is a probationary period homie, a concept that is clearly understood by all and sundry if you actually read the fine print that you agreed to when you signed up.
Lots of negative comments but no one expained a benefit? It is unfortunate that so many people react negatively but no can answer a simple question.

What is the benefit?

I am old enough to respect different opinions but I questions all lose lose situation. I placed my first ad today to see if it worked .

Be happy!

Benefits are outlined in the "mission statement".

"Airgun Nation is the epicenter for learning, sharing, and discussing everything related to airguns. Founded in 2015 and refreshed in 2022, we are the airgun metropolis for community and industry alike."

Benefits listed do not include buying and selling, that is a secondary benefit and not part of the core.

Guntrader may be more inline with your desires.
Funny. When I became a member, it never even crossed my mind that people were buying and selling airguns here. Wasn't in my realm of motivation for joining at all. I just wanted to learn and share what I had learned. Even today, the classifieds aren't what I come here for on a day to day basis, though I find them interesting to browse.
The reaction to this rule is most interesting. A reasonable person might shrug their shoulders and just get involved so they can have that all important access. But many take exception to the rule, and I certainly pay attention to that. While I haven't bought or sold anything here, I am not likely to get involved in a transaction with someone whose first reaction to the rules is that they shouldn't apply to them.
What is the benefit to Airgun Nation community when we block new members from the classified ads and PMs?

I just do not understand the rules help the memberts? Sellers lose buyers, buyers lose out on the oportunity obtain a desired airgun. Who wins? No one should dread being asked a question. Discussion and understanding is a good thing?

Funny people join to be part of the a community, and the first thing Airgun Nation does is limit their participation, odd no?

Another new guy.