How I made my FX magazines much better

Hi there! I've a FX Dreamline Tactical Compact and an Impact M3 in 0,177 and had some probs with the magazines, especially with the dreamline mag. The spring was too stiff and all the pellet skirts were damaged before they were fed into the barrel. So I took it apart and set the spring from the 12 o' clock position to the 6 o' clock position. Fine, no damaged skirts anymore but after a short time I've got feeding problems because the drum wouldn't rotate the last 5 or 6 pellets. Took the magazine apart again and could locate the O-Ring between the screw and the nut to be the problem. When the spring is not tensioned enough the drum wobbles around, up and down and the O-Ring works like a brake on the drum. Tried some silicone oil on the O-Ring with no luck. Then I found some P.T.F.E. foil I had lying around, 1,3mm thick and thought that could solve the problem. So I drilled a 4mm hole through the foil for the screw and cut the rest with a sharp scissor to the right size. Took the O-Ring out and replaced it with my teflon ring. What a difference. You can screw in the screw much tighter now so the drum will not wobble anymore. At the same time you can set the spring to the 6 o' clock position without any feeding problems because there is much less friction anymore. The Impact magazine benefits even more from the mod because evrything is so much bigger and the drum wobbles around even more. Great little mod which makes the magazines so much better.