How many people own a chronograph?

I have one. A Shooting Chrony Beta. I took the suggestions of others and budgeted it into my cash outlay for my first PCP. I didn't use it for 3 months but once I started tuning the gun, I was glad I had it. Since then, I've had countless hours over it with all of my guns (even my MSP's have benefited from its use). A chrony is one of those tools that make you wonder how you ever got by without it.
Yup shooting chrony with light attachment so I can use it inside for tuning. Shot one over the years and my dad's died of old age. I called shooting chrony about fixing it a while back and they laughed when I told them what color it was. Told me they hadn't used red on their chronies in ages. I could trade it in for $20 toward a new one. Wish they were still in business.

Have been reloading for years and it has saved me numerous times.