đź”´ How Much Hollow Point Expansion Does How Much More Damage?

How Much Hollow Point Expansion Does How Much More Damage?

The point of a hollow point projectile is to expand and make a bigger HOLE – therefore crushing more tissue in its path.
So, how much bigger is the HOLE if I go from .177 cal to .25 cal? Or from .22 cal to .30 cal? See the answers in the attached Table 1 below.

How much bigger is the HOLE if my hollow point projectile expands 1/10 of an inch? Or 1mm? The answers are in Table 2 (attached below).

🔺 Note that this thread is PART (2) of a four-part series, here in logical order and with links to each:

● PART (1) Quarry: What kills’em dead – the Mechanics of Killing

• What kills is a Permanent HOLE in the quarry – nothing else. Only crushed tissue kills, not “energy dumped,” nor a “temporary wound cavity,” nor “hydrostatic shock.”
• For the HOLE to kill – it must be in the right place in the quarry: brain/spine or heart/lungs or arteries/veins (to cause hemorrhaging).
• The projectiles that make a Better HOLE in the quarry are –– larger, faster, bulldozer-nose, expanding projectiles.


â—Ź PART (2) How Much Hollow Point Expansion Does How Much More Damage?

[The current thread.]

● PART (3) Hollow Point Pellets – Comparison of Specs & Performance
The attached HP Pellet Specs & Performance Chart (.22cal) answers some of the following questions:
• Which HP projectiles expand better to make a Better HOLE in the quarry? –– The faster, softer HP projectiles with larger, deeper HP cups, and expansion aids do!
• What HP pellets are out there? And how do they compare (specs!)?
• How far could I shoot a certain HP pellet and still expect expansion (given the power of my gun)?
• Some HP are really long and might not fit into my magazine…: How long are the long ones really?


● PART (4) Hollow Points – Testing How Much They Expand and How Far They Penetrate
Every hollow point projectile (pellet or slug) performs differently, in line with its specs and the conditions. Find a collection of Projectile Expansion and Penetration Test results for both HP pellets and slugs.
(4a) HP Pellet Projectile Expansion and Penetration Tests


(4b) HP Slug Projectile Expansion and Penetration Tests


I hope this will be helpful to some! 


🔺 Attachments

View attachment Wound Cavity and Caliber. 048.1610378271.pdf

View attachment Wound Cavity Expansion with HP. 047.1610303718.pdf