How to go about making money Airgun pesting?

I have offered all my pesting capabilities to people for free, its a place to shoot and hone my skills WHILE ALSO remaining responsible, it adds a new aspect to shooting, this isn't going around goofing off with your buddies. While it can be fun, thats not the most important thing.

I met up with another member here 45 minutes early at the current permission I have saturday so we could discuss safety, no shoot zones, etc.

You have to remember, what these people MAY allow you to do is HUGE. You're being granted to SHOOT on THEIR property, have to respect it and take ownership of your actions.
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Pesting videos are all over the internet. There’s your business. Just go out to the dump or the feedlot and blast a bunch of rats. Get it on video and set yourself up a YouTube channel.
But watch out , "they will expect video every week " and you will get hate mail if you miss even one week
Absolutely you can make money. Approach the owner or manager and inform them that you are professional "pester." When their eyes uncross, tell them how long you have been "pesting" and provide them with references of your last success(es). Present the owner or manager your charge rate of just how much it will cost them for you to kill unwanted animals from their property.. Be prepared to provide your insurance information... Good luck and please keep us all informed of your progress and success stories ( with images)...