AEA How to make your AEA HP SS great again! 100%


Apr 29, 2021

Good news for the owners of the AEA HP SS. I have found the actual root cause of all the magazine issues, no guessing.
All the owners of the HP SS semi auto already know by now that all the magazines sooner or later will start misbehaving,
to the point of failure. Constant jamming, popped out spring, chewed up magazine rotor, pellet incompatibilities and so on.
Many were converting them to single action because you would never know what it would do next.

*** Airgun Nation does not condone the use of Air Powered guns for any kind of defense scenario. ***

It all comes down to a single part. The magazine spring.

The design of this semi auto is very wrong. Instead of creating a mechanism were the probe would index the magazine,
they introduced two parameters. The speed that the probe returns after the blowback and the speed that the magazine
rotates the next pellet. They were both variable while emptying the air tube. For proper function, the next pellet should
always be in position before the return of the probe. This synchronization could not be achieved because they used the
wrong spring and the wrong way to keep the spring in place.

Lets assume that you have two magazines, one filled with ten 25 grain pellets and the other with ten 30 grain slugs.
The same spring in the first case should rotate a mass of 250 grain and in the second case a mass of 300 grain.
The rotational speeds will be different and in the second case it might not be able to be fast enough. That's why many
people had much more issues with the slugs.

The solution is to use the correct spring for different types of grains. A spring for lightweight 20 grain pellets a second
for 25 grain and a third for 30 grain. At the end you should have three types of magazines for different pellet weights.

I noticed that, after I saw the following jammed magazine:
Magazine Issues.jpg

The pellet was deformed by the probe on the lower part which meant that the probe arrived before the pellet was in position.
To test the assumption, I blocked half the blowback holes inside the shroud and I had way less jams and with the pellets hitting
even lower. I was using 25 grain pellets. My next test was to use 20 grain pellets and I was sure that I would not have any
jams with them, as it happened. So the .25 with the stock spring works fine with 20 grain pellets. We need two more springs.

One with 1.5 times the force and one with 2 times the force. I contacted a local machinist and they made these new springs
to my specifications. In order to show that it was 100% the spring and not something else, I used my first beat up magazine
in which the rotor has been completely chewed up.

First HP SS Magazine.JPG

I installed the new spring and I have lost count how many times I have refilled it !!!
It did not matter what kind of pellet I used, as long as it was in the same weight ballpark.
The stronger spring was only for slugs and it worked as intended. Perfectly.
I did not have a single issue since then! Every time I pulled the trigger the pellet would
travel to the target and the magazine would index to the next position.

A semi auto that you can now trust! I am very happy for that, because in all other
aspects, the HP SS is excellent. Design, portability, leaks, power, etc.

In summary, this is what you have to do for a dependable AEA HP SS:

- Replace the valve pin with the enhanced version that its selling on ebay.
- Lubricate all mechanical parts, metal to metal with molybdenium grease.
- Clean and lubricate the magazine with silicone oil.
- Use the stock spring for 20 grain pellets and stronger springs for heavier pellets.
- Before installing the spring, (a) grab the two pins with pliers and pull them apart until it deforms
and becomes like a a compression spring. (b) bend the bottom pin just little bit from vertical, in
the direction of rotation. The above two will keep the spring in place, no matter what.
(that was the second badly designed aspect of the magazine...)
- If your magazine had burrs from previous failures, remove them and make it smooth again.
(it will not happen again anyway..)
- Only use pellets that drop freely in the magazine when loading them. In the case that a pellet
does not fall to the bottom of the magazine, do not force it in. Leave it where it is.
- When screwing back the transparent lid, screw until snug and then backup a bit so that the
lid can rotate freely.

I have the .25 cal version. After the above modifications all pellets worked fine but my
favorites are the copper plated SPITZKUGELN. They are hitting hard, they never get
deformed, they are very accurate and you will not breath any lead dust from the
blowback action.

Hope this helps.
Happy shooting!
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After a hole in my patio window I will not trust the AEA HP SS ever again.

The magazine is just a part of the bad design.

I assume that you semiauto is still working,.
I assume that you did not get pellets in the trigger area yet.
I assume that the bolt did not disconnect from the rod yet.

Wait until you get all of the above and let us know how happy you are with your AEA HP SS.

I fully expect AEA HP SS owners to state their opinions.
Most of those opinions will not be kind :)
Good write up.
Still don’t agree about the lead though. You almost got through the whole thing …🤣

and to Nick. Eh what else can I say ….. you really got a bad one, no doubt. The accidental discharge didn’t happen without your finger pulling the trigger …
My name is nobody :), no clue about why you call me Nick.

And yes I pulled the trigger fully expecting that the air gun was empty.
I have plenty of airguns and never experienced anything like this.
The AEA HP semiauto airguns are just plain dangerous.

Perle, you have 3 working AEA HP SS.
As you said, sicumj got them sorted out for you.
This means they did not work very well before that.

What about the rest of us, should we all become gunsmiths or hire gunsmiths ?
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What about the rest of us, should we all become gunsmiths or hire gunsmiths ?
Look, you are basically right.
If you ask me if I would buy another AEA product, I would say definitely NOT!
But I have found the real cause of the problem and I am happy that I at least did not wasted my money completely.
I am not promoting it. I wrote this post in order to help other owners as well.
That's all.

p.s. >500 shots and not a single glitch (slow & fast) using my first chewed up magazine.
Will post again after 2000 shots.
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While it’s true I did have them “ tuned “ I chose an actionable solution to any deficits the aea semis have. ( main thing was new valve pins ie enhanced )
2 guns were done proactively the 3rd was a used aea that needed some TLC

This was an aea thread about making them more reliable. Yet you have to admit you do throw a wet blanket over the aea name.
As is your right. My right is to be the counterbalance to your statements.

You don’t need to be a gunsmith to own an aea.

One would imagine if I let you shoot some of my AEAs you’d be like. “” whoa , that’s amazing “
It’s what my mind says Everytime I shoot my aea

The HP SS keeps shooting after the fix without a single glitch!
>1000 shots and counting.

I've just bought from Aliexpress a .36L carbon fiber bottle to double its air capacity
and hopefully the shot count.

This was the seller :

CF Bottle (b).jpg

CF Bottle (a) (1).jpg

Does anybody have any previous experience with carbon fiber bottles from Aliexpress?
I hope its safe. The threads and inner lining are from 6061 aluminum and they said
that they have been thoroughly tested. Good for 300 bar, tested up to 500 bar.
I will not be filling it though more than 220 bar.

Will the increase in air capacity will result in a slight increase in power as well?

I would like to convert it to the Carbine TD model which has a longer barrel and
a 0.5L air bottle. I've asked AEA Europe if they can provide me with the longer
barrel kit but they are not answering...
I have a .3L on mine from Aliexpress, works fine. Gave me one more magazine at full power, but will continue to shoot for about another mag. It will not increase your velocity. If you want to do that you need to work a balance out between the hammer spring and poppet spring. You can space the hammer spring and gain some velocity but it will cost you in air.

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I have a .3L on mine from Aliexpress, works fine. Gave me one more magazine at full power, but will continue to shoot for about another mag. It will not increase your velocity. If you want to do that you need to work a balance out between the hammer spring and poppet spring. You can space the hammer spring and gain some velocity but it will cost you in air.
Good to know.
You went to .3L from what air capacity?

My thinking was because the air tank acts like a big plenum, if you double its size
maybe you will gain some extra FPS. Same power its ok though, I just want more shots.
This airgun was in theory
at least an excellent option for home defense,
No it isn't.

You're going to get yourself killed thinking you can use an airgun for home defense. You should also never remotely suggest that anyone try.

Anyone breaking into your home is not there to play. They will be aggressive as hell and they will have a weapon, likely a firearm, that they are ready to use with intense force. Killing or even stopping hyped up intruder with an airgun is a pipe dream.

Stop fantasizing. I see a lot of people that think their airgun is going to stop an intruder. Could it? Yes. If everything goes as you plan it in your head, which it will not. Should you EVER rely on one or suggest it as an option? Absolutely not, ever.
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Ok, I spoke too early...

Magazine is broken again! lol Guess what broke off?
Not the spring, it was the little plastic extrusion at the bottom inside the magazine
that stops the pellet wheel rotating. This thing is hopeless!

I drilled a larger hole and pushed a 3mm metal pin (6.5mm length), press fit and glued
with two part epoxy. I am not giving up! 🤣
You have to be very precise to install a 3mm rod, so I suggest a 2mm.

Mag Rod (a).jpg

Mag Rod (b).jpg

So I guess the stronger slug spring was too much for this trash.
I am feeling like I am polishing a turd...

Let's see how long this will last.

So the slightly lighter spring on the magazine which still works
has a thickness of 0.7mm, OD of 11mm and 11 turns counting
opposite of the spring pins.

Maybe its called AEA for a reason. Abandon Every Attempt... (to fix it...) 🤣
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